Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & the Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
South East Asia & the Pacific
Thursday June 21, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Each Wednesday morning, I get a ferry from HK
Island to Peng Chau Island,
and then a 2nd ferry from PC to Hei Ling Chau Island Drug Treatment Centre
My first ferry brings a load of passengers
from PC to HK at 10.30.
Then it takes another load (including myself) to PC at 10.45
When this ferry arrives at 10.30, I often see
some HLC friends disembarking,
having just been released from detention.
I usually wish them all the best, offer to help them in any way,
make sure they have my phone number, and invite them to join my Sunday night
Yesterday when about 6 such friends came
they were met by 3 police officers who immediately asked for 6 ID cards
and started an interrogation
I was standing nearby...some of the 6 had
recognized me and were saying hello.
I said to one of the police officers "Sir, these men have just got out of
HLC, they're ok"
To which the police officer replied: "We
had a call from staff on the ferry.
People were using drugs on the ferry"
As my dear old Dad used to say "I'll say no more" !
As usual each Thursday, my Calendar:
June 25, Friday: Lai Chi Kok
Detention Center
June 26, Sat: I'm due to join in 6pm parish feast day Mass at Yau Ma Tei
St Paul's Church
June 27, Sun: 11.30am English Mass at St Anthony's, Pokfulam; 3pm Bible
Sharing, Jordan; 6pm gathering YMT St Paul's
June 28, Mon: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
June 29, Tues: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
June 30, Wed: Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre
July 1, Thur: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Recent photos - see link below ("Recent HK photos")
God bless all on my sick list, in HK,
Australia, China and other places,
- especially dear friends battling top of list: my dear
sister-in-law Yvonne (Gold Coast, Australia) who is
at a very critical stage of her six year battle with cancer
On this 21st of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Yunnan
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
Today's English editorial in the Ming Pao newspaper (HK),
"The Central Government and the Pro-Democracy Camp" (June 21)
and my recording of same,
be accessed here from midday HK time June 21 to mid-evening HK time
June 21
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these
for more courage in difficult situations
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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