Previous reflections   The 16 Documents of Vatican II Resolution  

 90:  Based on Articles 45, 46 of  The Sacred Liturgy "SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM" 


Every diocese is to have a commission on the sacred liturgy under the direction of the bishop

Besides the commission on the sacred liturgy, every diocese,
as far as possible, should have commissions for sacred music and sacred art.

These three commissions must work in closest collaboration;
indeed it will often be best to fuse the three of them into one single commission.


What a good job the diocesan liturgy commissions have done over the past few decades

What a difficult job they have now,
trying to put on a brave face
as more and more of their work is replaced/deleted

Reading between the lines of their reports,
one senses a tension between their desire to be loyal to the Firm,
and their desire to cry out that so many recent changes are crazy

e.g.  this report by Tom Elich 

Not to mention the flak they are copping from traditionalists: e.g. this report about Elizabeth Harrington

Jesus, please bless all the dedicated people
who minister in diocesan liturgy commissions around the world


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