Previous reflections   The 16 Documents of Vatican II Resolution  

 79:  Based on Articles 15-17 of  The Sacred Liturgy "SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM" 


Liturgy study in seminaries is to be given the highest priority.
The teaching of all other subjects must be related to liturgy study.
The spirit of the renewed liturgy should permeate life in seminaries and religious houses

This is a summary of articles 15-17

But then.....what will seminarians make of these instructions to go back to the past?

Are seminarians and priests meant to lead a liturgical double life?
What will happen in a one-Sunday-Mass small parish if half the people want a 1962 Latin Mass 
and the other half want a Vatican II Mass in the local language?
How do you spell d-i-v-i-s-i-o-n ?
This will cause factions in parishes and religious houses

A car cannot go forward and backwards at the same time!
A driver will  "hate" one gear and love the other.
A driver cannot serve two gears at the same time.

The gear box is becoming a mess

Vatican II said to go forward.
Benedict says to go backwards

Bit like your mother saying to do one thing
and your father saying to do the opposite.

You love both mother and father.
What to do when they give contradictory commands?

Only solution: go to your room and pray!

Jesus, please fix the gear box!


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