Previous reflections 

The 16 Documents of Vatican II


Reflection 238   Based on the Vatican II document 
On the Mission Activity of the Church
Ad Gentes  - 19

(Comments welcome here)


One idea from this article: "mission countries" include those traditional "Catholic" countries where the Church is starting to disappear:

Mission action should also furnish help to those churches, founded long since, which are in a certain state of regression or weakness.

Which raises the question: how should missionary activity be carried out in a country say, like France.  Is this a case of starting again from scratch, or building on existing structures that are still standing...or a bit of both?

One thing for sure: while Christianity is spreading in some places (especially in Africa) it is declining in many other places (e.g. Europe)

A first step to "re-evangelising" places like France, is to have an honest look at the Church's own life and practice. To what extent have they contributed to church decline?

A football team which finishes the season on the bottom of the ladder needs to have a good look at itself, before blaming outside factors

c.f. Christianity in France

Jesus, please (re) pour  your Holy Spirit on places like France!
