Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & the Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
South East Asia & the Pacific
Thursday December 27, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
kind reader posted this comment on the RRP file yesterday:
the afternoon I went to watch "Les Miserables" the movie.
I have seen the play 3 times in 3 different countries but had been indifferent
to it. But the movie was so different, it sent a message of Christianity, that
God is Love and that we should forgive others who hurt us, not once but
"seventy-seven" times.
these words from NCR's review
Misérables' a fusion of heaven and earth, sight and sound:
Misérables" is moving and inspiring. It is a prayer, the Gospels brought
to life; it is the Creed and sacraments lived. Mercy and truth meet. The
screenplay by William Nicholson is faithful to the story (as told and developed
by at least five others); it is deeply Christian and points to a world that can
be if we so choose. It is a heartbreaking, deeply felt tale of human anguish,
brought about by other humans, rising from the earth to God, seeking the justice
of love.
DV while I'm in Australia during the coming four weeks I'll have a chance to see "L.M"....and may you also soon see it
Dec 27 - Jan 31 I'm due to be in
Australia for holiday/meetings.
See "under
construction" Australia schedule.
If you are in Australia, I hope
we can meet up!
My Reading-Reflection-Prayer
menu for today.
Let's use this menu to remind us who the Baby is!
Recent photos - see link below ("Recent HK photos")
On this
27th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Tibet
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
God bless all on my sick list, in HK,
Australia, China and other places,
- especially dear friends battling cancer.....
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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