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Jesus, today please bless the people of
East Asia
Wednesday July 25, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
On this Feast of St James, happy feast day to everyone named James, Jim, Jimmy, Jamie, Jaimica, (Jamaica) etc
Last Saturday afternoon, I put some 45 copies of "Simple Bible: Old Testament" (Chinese edition) into my travel bag and took them to Tai Wai for 6pm Mass....telling the good folk I'd bring another 45 each week for the next 3 weeks so that every family could have one copy.
After Mass a kind young man named Clement said to me: "No need to bring books each week....I'll use my car to collect them all in one go"
morning, true to his word, Clement brought his car (well, actually, his
father's car!) ...and his father (not at work because of typhoon), and his mother, and grandmother....and
collected not just 120 Chinese OTs, but also nearly 300 English OTs + many
Chinese and English copies of "Doctor Jesus" ...for the people of Tai
God bless you Clement and family!
After Clement left my centre with the books, I had this beautiful feeling of peace....and energy (...had been a bit tired before visitors came). Not a few people have noticed this: that any sort of activity (mental or physical) involving the Bible gives us peace and even physical energy. Anyone like to share an experience about this?
Correction: Vicente is a Spanish, not Italian name! (mistake in yesterday's blog!)
editorial in Ming Pao is entitled "National
Education Program Should Be Revised".
It can be accessed, together with my recording, at
this site, from about midday today HK time to late evening HK time
On this
25th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Ningxia
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today = Readings for the Feast of St James...who died for Jesus. May we have a bit more courage in witnessing for Jesus
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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