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America Please join me in praying for one part of
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Jesus, today please bless the people of
East Asia
Wednesday June 13, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
as I was about to cross Nathan Road to access Jordan MTR (metro) Station lift
(with a heavy travel back of books for Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre)
I saw a Chinese man in his 50s, with a visible poisoned foot, on crutches, being
assisted by a younger man (..his son).
The older man was in quite a bit of pain. When he/they stopped, I said a
non-threatening hello...then offered
the book "Dr Jesus" with the words "this can help you". The
older man accepted graciously.
I began to make my second effort to cross the road (after waiting again for the
"Walk" sign),
another couple caught my eye as they made the crossing from the opposite
A Chinese husband and wife in their 60s. The man had the largest goitre I have ever
....the same size as the one
in this link (3rd and white one)
So I cancelled my crossing for the second time and went back to the footpath.
Same conversation as above. Same response.
put both people in my Dr J notebook (= sick list).
Then finally crossed the road.
When I was about to get lift to metro platform, I had to cancel my plan once again
when a Pakistani man exited from the lift, recognized me from Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre...
wanted a chat. He's a refugee. Several thousand of them in HK ....mainly from
South Asia...
most of them admit they are "economic refugees"....not allowed to work
in HK....get a prison sentence for illegal work...
come money....(just a small supplement from Govt)...more illegal
work...back into prison. Some of them
drift into drugs.
No one wants to help them. They're not easy to help.
So I'm thinking of starting a monthly gathering for such men.
On a Sunday night. DV
people, 2+2+1 = people in need.
Can I/we do a bit more to help people like them?
Yesterday was the Feast Day of Blessed
Joseph Cebula, a Polish OMI.
- gunned down by the Nazis on June 12, 1941 at a concentration camp in
- beatified by Pope John Paul II on this day, June 13, 1999.
Blessed Joseph Cebula, pray for us!
My weekly article for
today's Wednesday Ming Pao Newspaper can be seen in
English here
and can be accessed in
Chinese & English here ("Foreigner in HK") today (Wed)
from about midday HK time to late evening HK time, with my recording of same
editorial in Ming Pao is entitled "Police inflexibility leads to
It can be accessed, together with my recording, at
this site, from about midday today HK time to late evening HK time
On this
13th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Jiangxi
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these
readings for more of the courage
and faith of people like Joseph Cebula
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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