Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
S.E. Asia & the Pacific
Thursday May 3, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
A nice email yesterday from a dear friend in Sydney:
Hello Fr. John
Just a quick message to say how much I enjoy your Blog.
Very informative. Regards, K. (Thank
you, K!)
This week I am on annual OMI (Oblate) retreat
in Hong Kong
...doing this website job in break after lunch
Retreat is being given by an Indian nun, Sr
Inigo Joachim of the Sisters of St Paul, an Indian congregation.
Sister is a former Superior-General of the congregation. A sample of her
thinking can be found on today's menu "Empowering
More about her can be found by putting "Sr Inigo Joachim" into
Sister is easily the best speaker in my 27
years of Oblate retreats in HK!
She's on fire with love for the Scriptures and for the poor (she visits prisons
5 days a week)
One of her quotes (from Fr Ron Rolheiser omi! in
this article):
"Nobody gets to Heaven without a letter of reference from the
I'm hoping this website will have more from Sr Inigo in the near future
As usual each Thursday, my Calendar:
May 4, Friday: Annual retreat
May 5, Sat: OMI Mass 3pm at Notre Dame College, Kowloon - to
celebrate 20th anniversary of Fr Luc omi - everyone welcome!
May 6, Sun: 2.30 Mass at Lo Wu Prison; 6.30pm gathering in Jordan for
"special guests" (visitors welcome!)
May 7, Mon: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
May 8, Tues: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
May 9, Wed: Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre
May 10, Thur: afternoon English at Our Lady's School, Wong Tai Sin
Recent photos - see link below ("Recent HK photos")
Latest Ming Pao article (May 2) - see link below ("Ming Pao articles")
This week's smile - Smile - see link at lower right side of
God bless all on my sick list, in HK,
Australia, China and other places,
- especially dear friends battling top of list: my dear
sister-in-law Yvonne (Gold Coast, Australia)
On this 3rd of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Gansu
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these readings for more of the courage and energy of the 1919, May 4 university students!
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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