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Europe & Russia
Monday April 30, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
At the Consecration of the Mass,
when the priest is praying over the wine to become the Blood of Christ,
should the priest say "for many" or "for all"?
See articles on today's menu for April 30:
many" or "for all"? Vatican
Full text of Pope's letter
but c.f.
"Benedict criticised for saying "for all" is better than "for many"!
We are now entering the crazy zone.
For the sake of slavishly, literally following an ancient Latin translation,
Benedict wants us to go back to saying "for many",
even though he himself has pointed out that "for many" in this
Gospel usage
quite clearly, unmistakably means "for all"
Benedict now says the "literal
translation" card
trumps all others: common sense, clarity, pastoral concern etc.
He says we can teach people to understand
"for many" as meaning "for all".
Why not just say "for all" and be done with it?!
How can you expect ordinary people, especially children, to press a mental
changing "for many" into "for all" each time they go to
This is unnecessary confusion.
Just like bringing back the 1962 rite of Mass has caused unnecessary
In Hong Kong, mercifully, the new English
translation has been postponed
until November 2012.
So...I'm in the fortunate position of still being able ("legally"?) to
say "for all".
But I'm not going to change after November.
Just like many priests all around the
who are still saying "for all".
Just like the Italian bishops who are putting
up a fight about this
in the pope's back yard.
Notice how report
above mentions that 171 out of 187 Italian bishops voted to keep
"for all",
and how bishops regional conferences around the world are reluctant to use
"for many"
This is "taking a stand"
Same goes for the crazy new translation of the
Nicene Creed:
many places are avoiding its clumsiness
by using the Apostles' Creed.
Even some bishops are recommending the Apostles' Creed be used in their
If only the Vatican was as concerned as much
about world poverty and climate change
as it is about literal liturgy
On this 30th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Shanghai
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these readings for courage and energy in a crazy Church
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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