March 24,  2012                      Daily Blog                  John W                   Previous 2012 blogs


Dear Friends

I spent yesterday from 9.45am to 5pm in a detention usual Friday practice.

The centre has a 10am to 12noon prayer service each Friday.
Two evangelical pastors (from India and Nigeria) and a local Hong Kong Catholic Chinese layman 
join me each week for the service.
This morning 27 inmates attended....10 Chinese, the rest from many countries (especially Tanzania and Nigeria).

For the first half hour we had some spirited singing.
Then we split into 3 groups: one English + 2 Chinese - for study/sharing re the coming Sunday readings.
For the final half hour we came back together again for combine singing and prayer

Several of the Chinese men said at the 10.30 mark
"I couldn't understand what the African guys were singing about,
but their singing sure lifted my spirits!"

Lifted mine also.
Just what I needed after hearing 3 pieces of bad news before leaving for the centre:
1: that Petrina (aged 7, in a HK hospital, brain dead for more than a month) was due to be taken off life support about 11am
2: that a very dear relative in Australia  has been given only a couple of months to go in her long battle with cancer
3: that a local man lost his battle with cancer a few hours ago

The faith-filled singing reminded me that such "bad" news is only a temporary set-back in the game of life.
No matter what happens on this earth....the game is not over....we are on Jesus' team
....he kicks every bad news ball to kingdom come .....and he's never once lost a game

My  Bible Plan for today.  Please join me in using this menu for lifting our spirits

Thank you for a prayer for the three people above and their families

God bless!

John W

John Wotherspoon
     Hong Kong mobile  (852) 6709 5674
 China mobile  13030213703 -  out of action for the time being
Mail address: PO Box 74013 Kowloon Central Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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