Computer Cud         Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God              Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:     reading + psalm + reading + gospel                  From 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today. 
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, courage and peace for my daily life 

July 26, 2012     

First Samuel 3

One day when the boy Samuel was serving in the temple,
the Lord called to him "Samuel, Samuel."

The boy thought it was the old priest Eli calling to him
so he ran to Eli and said "Here I am."

Eli replied "I did not call you."

Two more times the Lord called.
Both times the boy went to Eli.

Eli now realized it was the Lord calling Samuel.
Eli told Samuel to say "Speak Lord, your servant is listening"
the next time he heard the voice.

The Lord told Samuel that Eli's family would be punished
for the bad things they had done.

The people quickly found out that the Lord was with Samuel
and that Samuel was the Lord's prophet.

Dear Lord, please help me to listen to your voice,
your voice in the Bible, in my conscience and in other people

Psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
says to the Lord "you are my refuge in whom I trust".

The Lord will hide you and protect you.
Under his wings you will find refuge.

You will not fear any night time terror,
nor any attack during the day.

Upon you no evil shall fall,
no plague approach where you dwell.

For you has he commanded his angels
to keep you safe in all your ways.

Dear God, thank you for your protection day and night

Ephesians 6

Pray all the time, asking for what you need.
Pray in the Spirit on every possible occasion.

Never tire of praying.
Pray for me that I may proclaim the Good News boldly

Grace and eternal life to everyone who loves our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus, help me to put Paul's teaching into practice in my life

Luke 5

In one town that Jesus went to, a leper fell on his face and pleaded
"Sir, if you want to, you can heal me"

Jesus stretched out  his hand, touched him, and said
"Of course I want to!  Be healed!"
And the leprosy left him at once

Jesus' reputation continued to grow.
Large crowds gathered to hear him speak and to have their sicknesses cured.
But afterwards Jesus would always go to a quiet  place where he could be alone and pray

Jesus, please help me understand
that you want sick people to be healed