Computer Cud            V 2 asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God              Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:    reading + psalm + reading + gospel                  From 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today. 
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, courage and peace for my daily life 

February 6, 2012     

Genesis 42

In Joseph's home country of Canaan,
the famine was very severe.

Joseph's father Jacob said to his sons
"I hear there is grain for sale in Egypt.
Go to Egypt and buy grain for our families
so that we will  not die".

All Joseph's brothers, except Benjamin,  went to Egypt
and arrived at the place where Joseph was selling grain.

The brothers had not seen Joseph for about 20 years
and they didn't recognize him.  But Joseph recognized them.

Joseph put them to the test: he said they were spies,
and he told them to bring Benjamin to Egypt
to prove they were not spies.

He kept Simeon in prison until they returned with Benjamin. 

Dear God, please help any places in the world  which are suffering from famine


Psalm 46 
(c.f. famous hymn by Martin Luther "A Mighty Fortress is our God", 
and also the hymn "Be Still and Know that I am God")

God is for us a refuge and strength,
in time of distress he is a helper close at hand.

Therefore we shall not fear even though the earth should rock,
even though the mountains fall into the sea.

The Lord of hosts is with us.
The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

Come and consider the works of the Lord
and always remember his words:

"Be still and know that I am God".

Lord, help us to be more aware of your presence, especially when we are in trouble

Acts 12

About this time, King Herod began persecuting the church.
He beheaded the apostle James, brother of John. 
He arrested Peter during Passover time. 
He put Peter in prison and planned to have him put on trial and killed after Passover

Each day Peter was in prison, the believers stormed heaven praying for him. 
On the night before he was to be put on trial, 
Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, fastened with chains,
with more soldiers at the prison entrance

Suddenly Peter's cell was filled with light, and an angel told him to get up.
The chains fell from his hands. 
The angel led Peter out of the prison, without the guards knowing what was happening

Peter then left for another place. Herod was unable to find him

Jesus, please help Christians who are in prison for their faith

Matthew 12

One day when Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people inside a house,
his mother and brothers arrived at the house.

From outside the house they sent a message to say
they would like to speak with him.

When Jesus heard they were there, he said
"Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?"

Then holding out his hand towards his disciples he said
"Here are my mother and brothers.
Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven,
that person is my brother and sister and mother."

Brother Jesus,  please help me do the will of your Father in heaven