Vatican 2 calls on all Christians to read the Bible,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God

This reading plan follows the Sunday liturgy:    reading + psalm + reading + gospel            From 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today. 
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, courage and peace for my daily life 

January 6, 2012    

Genesis  7, 8  

Noah's family and many animals went into the big boat, the "ark".

Then for about 40 days there was heavy rain which caused a great  flood.  The ark floated on the water.

The people and animals inside the ark were safe
but people and animals outside the ark died.

When the rain and flood stopped
Noah and his family and the animals went out of the ark.

God made a special agreement (covenant) with Noah
to bless Noah and his family.

God told Noah that the rainbow would be a sign of their agreement.

Dear God, thank you for making the rainbow so beautiful

Psalm 4

At the end of this day I praise you, Lord, for all your love and help.

O people of the world, how long will you close your hearts God?
How long you will keep on chasing false goals?

Lord, you have put into my heart a joy that cannot be obtained by big meals and plenty of wine.

I will lie day in peace and sleep comes at once,
for you, Lord, make me dwell in safety and peace

Thank you, Lord, for your love and help right through today

Acts 2

About ten days after Jesus' ascension to heaven
was the Feast of Pentecost.
Jesus' 12 apostles, his mother, several other women,
and his brothers were together in one room

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind.
Tongues of fire appeared and came to rest on the head of each of them

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
and began to speak foreign languages

Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me. Fall afresh on our world


After he was baptized,
Jesus spent about 40 days praying and fasting in the desert.
During this time, he was tempted by Satan.

"If you are the Son of God,
change some stones into bread" said Satan.

Jesus replied "Human life needs more than bread.
Life needs God's message".

Satan then  took Jesus to a high place and said
"Throw yourself down, since the angels will protect you".

Jesus replied
"Presumption is a sin".

Then Satan  took Jesus to a high mountain
and showed him all the nations of the world.

"Worship me and I will give you all these nations" said Satan.

Jesus replied
"Go away, Satan!   Only God is to be worshipped".

The devil then went away.

Jesus, please protect us from Satan and from evil