2014-03-01   Sent by a reader re Cardinal George Pell

If Pope Francis initially had at least some
Vatican employees – especially those who
are part of the Italian “old guard” – on
tenterhooks when he first announced plans
last April to make significant structural
changes to their workplace, he has now sent
many of them reeling by his first major
reform – the establishment of a new
Secretariat for the Economy.
The move signals the dismantling of
financial fiefdoms inside the Vatican that
have long been managed, mostly by Italian
cardinals and other prelates, with little
outside oversight. Francis could not have
dealt a more forceful blow to the old system
than by choosing an Anglo-Saxon to head
up the new department. And what a choice!
The appointment of Australian Cardinal
George Pell as prefect of the new secretariat
makes it less likely that the “old guard” will
be able to revert to the same old tricks they
used effectively to hamper past reforms.
They would have a hard time trying to
out-muscle “Big George”. The 72-year-old
Archbishop of Sydney is no wilting lily. Some
have even gone so far as to call him a bully.
He stands up forcefully for what he wants
and will not back down until he gets it. Ask
any bishop that had the temerity to challenge
the way the Vox Clara Committee took over
and forced through the recent English
translation of the Roman Missal.
Ironically, a rumour went round several
days ago that Cardinal Pell was to be named
prefect of the Congregation for Divine
Worship. Instead, Pope Francis seems to
prefer typecasting, and found the perfect
place for him to throw his weight around.

        Robert Mickens, The Tablet


And Enda on ++Pell in Catholica,

His motto is 'Ad Hoc'. (Main Forum)

by Enda, Eastwood, Australia, Friday, February 28, 2014, 13:48

In the olden days when B.A.Santamaria was in his pomp some of his disciples used call him a great man, indeed some called him a saint. "With all his ability he could be earning a fortune as a lawyer. Instead he works for peanuts for the Church," was one of the claims. Of course he was not a saint, just a political operator and a great divider.

George has been the same in Sydney. He leaves the place diminished and divided. But now his disciples (the offspring of the DLP/NCC folk of the 1950s?) claim he will be the third most powerful man in the Church. Greg Sheridan thought he would be pope last time when Francis got it. Not to be put off the faithful think next conclave their man will get up. God save us!

Just by the way a source close to the throne (the cathedra) says that George is not a good administrator. It is all ad hoc, no grand plan, no policy. If I were down to my last dollar I would not put it on GP to be a success in the Vatican vaults either.

PS I just mistyped B.A.Santamaria's name and my spell check gave me 'bantamweight'. There is it seems a god in the machine.