2013-05-25   From the Windsor and Maidenhead Community Forum (WAMCF)    (sent to John W by Hazel who lives in Windsor)


Statement of solidarity by the Leaders of WAMCF

We learned with deep shock and great sadness of the murder of a young member of the armed forces in Woolwich yesterday afternoon.
 There is no place for such actions in our society. WAMCF have been striving to bulid bridges and mutual respect for each other.
We sympathise with the innocent victim's family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this hour.
The attackers linked their actions with Islam.  Major national Muslim bodies have condemed the act, such actions have no connection to the teachings of Islam. We stress in strongest terms that such act is in complete contradiction to the teachings of Quran. Even so, there have been attacks on two mosques over the course of the last 24 hours and concerns expressed about the possibility of further attack.
We urge all like-minded people, who love and work for a peaceful and just society to come together and lend their support at this testing time.
Date: 23rd May 2013
Michael Hogg (Churches Together), SurinderAroral (Hindu Society), Fazal Awan (Islamic Trust), Jonathan Romain (The Synagogue), Karnail Pannu (Sikh temple)