
  Sydney Chinese Charismatic group
 - HK prayer service for healing

香港祈禱會 HK Prayer Meeting

聖文德堂, 九龍慈雲山蒲崗村道89

St. Bonaventure Parish
St. Bonaventure Church

Address: 89, Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon.
Tel: 2325-0183/4
Fax: (852) 2329-8617

十二月九日(星期日), 下午三時至下午六時

9 Dec (Sunday) 

3pm to 6pm

「願賜望德的天主,因著你們的信心,使你們充滿各種喜樂和平安, 使你們因著聖神的德能,富於望德。」(15:13) 讓聖神帶領我們透過敬拜讚美,見證分享, 覆手祈禱和來自美國的講師的信仰講座, 一起體驗祂為我們的生命帶來更新的力量。

The theme is 'fully filled with gifts'

"So may the God of hope fill you with every joy and with peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope and in the virtue of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Let Holy Spirit leads us through praise and worship, witness sharing, hands over praying and talks, to experience His power of renewal in our life.

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/thshk

Website: http://www.thsonline.org/

Eva Li (HK mobile): 6410 8808