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May 28, 2012   Fr Charlie Burrows OMI receives Islamic award in Indonesia
- report from Fr Peter Stoll OMI in Indonesia

Dear friends

We just witnessed Charlie Burrows omi on national TV, receive a national award from an Islamic organisation for Charlie's effort in building up the nation especially in the Cilacap area....for his work  always done without discrimination and totally to help the poor...his work for tolerance and working with all the religions for a common good .....was acclaimed in this award presentation ceremony.
He will be on national TV again tomorrow.

In his speech, Charlie as usual started slowly but then got warmed up .... of course in Charlie's optimistic style.... and also laced with humor ....but straight from the heart as he explained that his companion Fr Kevin Casey omi always says that Charlie has so many ideas and then the people have to put it into action... Kevin said that Charlie burdens the people!

Charlie acknowledged it and said that he is a 3D man:  Decides , Delegates and then Disappears!!!

He went on to say that he never ever received an award from the Catholics
so this award means so much more because it is from an Islamic foundation. (Big applause ).

Mr Maarif  quoted  Charlie saying that his (development) trucks were more Catholic than Charlie himself because the trucks every day would be out in the villages proclaiming Good News by their presence,  whereas Charlie could only go to the villages once or twice a week.

Charlie thanked everyone and said that the workers and the people should get the award not him because they did all the work.

Well done Charlie !