Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous Bible Blogs 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

 Bible Blog   August 4, 2013 

Readings for the 18th Sunday of the Year (C)

1st Reading:  Solomon laments the "vanities" of this life

Responsorial Psalm (Ps 89):  Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart

2nd Reading: Thinking about Heaven gives meaning to our life on earth

Gospel:  The foolishness of living as if there's no life to come

We give so much time and energy to less important things,
and not as much time and energy as we should to more important things
(e.g. several hours each day/night to Facebook, but "no time" for Bible reading).
Spiritual/Heavenly interests should be stronger in our lives

Jesus, please help me give more time and energy to the more important things in my life 
(family duties, study, Bible reading, prayer, physical rest)
 ....and less time and energy to the good and not wrong but not so important things in my life 
(Facebook, entertainment, fine meals ...) 


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