Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God           Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel           From              Previous Bible Blogs 

O Holy Spirit, may these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life          Chinese text

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 Bible Blog   July 27, 2013 

  Reading:  Other Prophets  
- some words from Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Pride of heart leads us astray

See how they are listless, those whose souls are not at peace

Lord, I have heard of all your wonderful deeds in the past.
Do them again in our day, Lord!

Even when everything seems hopeless,
I trust in you Lord, I praise you Lord.

Seek the Lord, all you humble people.
Seek integrity, seek humility.

In the days to come, people will say
"We want to go with you, since we have learnt that God is with you".

Rejoice heart and soul, people of Jerusalem.
See, your king comes to you.
He is humble and riding on a donkey.

The final books of the Old Testament, like all the books of the Bible,
contain words of wisdom, hope, encouragement and thanksgiving.
Our lives are always the richer for time spent in Bible reading

Dear God, thank you for all the beautiful teachings and stories
in  "The Old Testament", ("The First Testament"). Please increase my love for the Bible


Reading: Psalm 134

O come, bless the Lord,
all you who serve the Lord,

who stand in the house of the Lord,
in the courts of the house of our God.

Lift up your hands to heaven
and bless the Lord through the night.

May the Lord bless you from Zion,
he who made both heaven and earth.

The above words were for those who served in the Temple.
But all people, especially all believers, can "bless the Lord through the night"
....certainly last thing before sleep we can pray:

Prayer: Lord, please protect my family tonight and every night



Reading:  1 Corinthians 3

Apollos and I are servants who brought the faith to you.
I did the planting, Apollos did the watering, but God made things grow

You are God's building. By God's grace, I  laid the foundation, 
the only foundation there can be: Jesus Christ

On that foundation you can build a house with good or poor materials.
At the end of your life, your building will be judged by God

To say that Jesus is the foundation of our lives means we try to base our lives on Jesus' values.  The more we follow Jesus' values, the better our lives will go. The further we get away from Jesus' values, the more problems we will have

Prayer: Jesus, you are the foundation of my life.
Please help me build a house with good material (= good deeds)



Reading: Mark 10

On behalf of all the disciples, Peter asked Jesus
"What about us?  We have left everything to follow you."

Jesus replied "You will be leaders in the church on earth.

Anyone who has left home, family or country for the sake of my name,
will receive a 100-fold blessing in this life,
and will also receive eternal life in Heaven."

Certainly true: working "overseas" for the sake of the Gospel brings great blessings.
(... not that the reason for working overseas is to seek blessings!)

Jesus, please bless all Gospel workers

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