Computer Cud         Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God            Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:     reading + psalm + reading + gospel                  From            Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life             Chinese text

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R-R-P  Reading - Reflection - Prayer   Dec 15, 2012   
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Job 2

Satan asked permission from God to test Job even further.
God gave permission.

Satan struck Job with sores and ulcers from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Job scraped himself with a piece of pot.

His wife told him to curse God and die. But Job replied
"If we take happiness from God's hand, must we not take sorrow too?"

News of Job's situation reached three of his friends: 
Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar and they decided to visit Job.

When they drew near to Job, they did not recognize him.

They wept, tore their clothes and sat on the ground beside Job for 7 days without speaking,
stunned and saddened by Job's appearance.

What a hideous sight Job must have been. To look at him would have made people feel sick.
Often when we see a badly deformed/handicapped/injured person, we want to look away,
to avoid such a repulsive sight

Prayer:  Dear God, please help me imitate Job's trust and faith
....and please give me more compassion for people who look "hideous"

Reading:  Psalm 94

O Lord,  Judge of the earth,
how long will the wicked crush the poor?

The wicked say "God does not hear".
But can he who made the ear, not hear?

Blessed are those whom the Lord teaches.
The Lord gives them peace in troubled times.

When cares increase in my heart,
God's consolation calms my soul.

"Wicked crushing the poor" makes me think of big companies that make a huge profit
while not paying a fair wage/price to their workers/suppliers.

Prayer: Lord, please stop rich people from cheating poor people

Reading:  1 John 2

Anyone who claims to be in the light
but hates his brother
is still in the dark

Do not love the ungodly values of this world generated by
the sensual body, the lustful eye and a  pride in possessions

Such things do not come from God

Ungodly values get top publicity.
God's values not only lack publicity, but sometimes are even ridiculed 

Prayer: Jesus, please help me avoid worldly values. Help me promote your values, including forgiveness

Reading:  John 11

Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha lived in the village of Bethany.
When Lazarus became very sick, the sisters sent a message to Jesus "Lord, your dear friend is very sick"

By the time  Jesus and his disciples arrived in Bethany,
Lazarus was dead and buried for 4 days

Martha said to Jesus "If you had been here, my brother would not have died"

Jesus replied "I am the resurrection and the life. If anyone believes in me, he will have life after death"

Jesus said to Mary and Martha "Where have you put him?"  Jesus cried as he went to the tomb.
The tomb was a cave with a stone at the entrance

Jesus said "Take the stone away". Then he called out in a loud voice "Lazarus, come out!"

The dead man came out, wrapped in burial clothes. Jesus said "Unwrap him and let him go free"

Each morning we wake up from sleep.
Someday we will wake up from the sleep of death....thanks to the death and resurrection of Jesus

Prayer:  Jesus, you are the Resurrection and the Life. Please give eternal life to my friend ( who died recently

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