Pope's Pentecost homily:
Newness, harmony, mission

(see: need to cancel "archive" in some search results) V2Catholic.com   - A voice for the poor 
Edited by a Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the example of Pope Francis 
in implementing the vision of Vatican II by service of the poor, by a simple life style, by simple liturgy,
by concern for Ecumenism, climate change, renewal of the Church, illegal drugs, prisoners,
by support for family life - all underpinned by a rededication to the Bible

Imitating Pope Francis Francis 

Tuesday October 8

Pope establishes new congregation:
 the order of flight attendants
(see below)

(God bless the 30-40 kind readers who check this Bible Blog each day of the week. 
May this Bible Blog give us extra hope, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for our daily lives)
           Today's Bible Blog  a four-course menu:
- special protection in times of "plague"
- Papacy to move from Rome to Jerusalem?! 
- helping people know the meaning of life

link between healing and faith

  Martin Mallon     Tuesday Ireland blogger
Curia power finally broken

One of the first changes that should be made by the group of eight cardinals and the Pope: remove the discipline of Canon #129. This reform does not affect the Curia directly, but indirectly it would transform the whole church and would ensure that the Curia could never reclaim its recent position of authoritarian power and control over the church

Vatican II & Renewal (1)

16 Documents of Vatican II

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church


Excellent articles on Mission
Hugh McMahon SSC



  What a disturbing article....very sad, very sad:
 Kenyan mall looting blamed on soldiers

  Women are key to Papal Reform

Pope's themes emerging, bishop tells Missouri Catholics

The Promise and Peril of Pope Francis (c.f. comparison with Jewish faith)

Pope warns Assisi nuns against danger of smiling like flight attendants!
(maybe on his next flight the attendants will dress like nuns?!)

  Good news:

Chemical experts begin destroying Syria's weapons arsenal

2008 words can help solve 2013 crisis?

US Bishops offer 5 principles to help end fiscal crisis

Indian Catholic journalist says corruption in the Indian Church must end

(Friend from the Philippines say its situation is similar. 
e.g. Some Mass collection counters keep part of the collection!)

  boat-people02.jpg (50248 bytes)  Australia has an obligation to refugees

c.f. Pope Francis continuing to speak about recent Lampedusa tragedy

  September 12 a man from South Africa was arrested at HK airport for carrying dangerous drugs. He's the first DD just-arrived from Africa person to be arrested in HK since Aug 3.
In 9 weeks, not one other Africa just-arrived DD man or woman has been arrested in HK ....thanks largely to the campaign by this website, supported by bloggers and media in Tanzania, to alert people in Africa to the danger of bring DD to HK. (Yesterday I was able to confirm that not one new African DD woman has joined the HK prison population in the past 9 weeks). DG!

 This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons

 vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 232 

Becoming a Christian for the right motive

     2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
 My weekly article for today's HK Ming Pao newspaper     (On MP website)
Today's topic:  International Year of the Girl Child (Oct 11)

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

On this 8th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Heilongjiang
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Monday October 7

Feast of The Rosary

Today's Mass readings for the Feast of the Rosary

How Rosary saved 8 Jesuits at Hiroshima in 1945

John W
Asylum seekers ....and us

We tend to have nothing but contempt for "people smugglers", and in the way they deceive and exploit poor people they deserve contempt, but their existence is an unwelcome reminder that legal migration of poor people to better places is too little, too restricted, too selfish on the part of the receiving places.
Indifference to the situation of asylum seekers is indifference to Jesus....

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell  
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter  
 John Wotherspoon

More bloggers,  more tank people, wanted from all parts of the world, to take a stand against tanks from left and from right

Please email:

  Weekly Archive 
main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011
2010  2009  2008

John W:
Previous Daily Blogs

Pope Francis is launching a Vatican Spring

Pope Francis should give us a break from this flurry of papal saints

American Catholics back Pope’s downplaying of contentious social issues

Today is the anniversary of Frederick O'Neill, a Northern Ireland missionary who spent more than 40 years in Northern China in most difficult circumstances. See my book review of Frederick, The Life of My Missionary Grandfather in Manchuria

Yesterday I heard from someone who was in Nairobi at the time of the Westgate attack that the terrorists cut of the hands of children ....and (living) children with hands cut off were taken to hospital where the sight of such brutality totally overwhelmed hospital staff.   Anyone any info about this?

Good news: Beijing to replace 4 coal-fired plants

Interactive Bible Quiz - Job ("Joe-b")
Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times you can get 3/3 ?!

This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 231

Christians should reach out to others just as Jesus reached out to the people of his time

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W:
A Rosary story for today: On April 13 last year I spent a hour or two at the deathbed of a 21 year old inmate in a local hospital. Inmate was a Catholic and parents appreciated presence of padre. After the anointing of the sick and parts of the psalms and a few other prayers, I found myself, not for the first time, falling back on my trusty rosary beads. At first praying the normal Rosary, then using short lines from the Gospels ....e.g. for the ten beads of one decade I used the words "Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life" (repeating it slowly 10 times).  Once again I experienced the consolation, for the dying man and his parents, of the sight of the beads being used 

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Monday, please bless the people of Europe & North Asia

On this 7th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Hebei
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Sunday October 6

Happy Birthday today
Matteo Ricci (1552)

Today's Mass readings

Reflection on today's readings  
Recognizing God in our history

Pope Francis at Assisi: see menu of Oct 5, below, and Pope in Assisi reclaims St Francis

David Timbs
The Disturbance and the Backlash
Pope Francis' spontaneity and unpredictability are putting almost everyone on edge and placing both supporters and critics in a state of almost permanent suspense and anxiety. It seems that those most uneasy are those with little tolerance for rapid change and who lack the ready ability to adjust both thought and imagination.

See also: Pope Francis: Revitalising Vatican II by Bruce Duncan C.Ss.R


Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

Abp-Bergoglio01.jpg (24769 bytes)


2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

inmates.jpg (66142 bytes)

2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (89098 bytes)

2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

2013-07-29pope-plane.jpg (270817 bytes)cf



Engagements of Pope Francis












Many thanks for checking
 this website each day


Darlene Starrs 

 Change comes in dribs and drabs
I want to believe that things will change, but, honestly, I think, change will come in dribs and drabs and that in the final analysis, I will have heard a lot of great ideas and promising talk, but, very little of the rosy rhetoric will create real change. I would not be the only one of this opinion



Mind your etiquette at Mass
Today was the parish primary school’s Confirmation Mass.  I walked towards the Church feeling quite annoyed that my parking spot had been taken by people who normally would not even set foot into Church

Lampedusa rescuers describe struggle to save drowning migrants

Video with Pope Francis calling this incident "a disgrace"

Living the China Dream
Can Chinese leaders manage an ascendant Middle Kingdom?

‘Let China Love You’
Building relationships with Catholic China

The strength to care
Whether compassion fatigue has left us inured to the sufferings of victims, or we are resigned to a political stalemate over any new gun regulations, we are allowing mass violence to become “the new normal.”

This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons

This week's smile:  Computer programmers

Sunday reading NCR's most-read stories in September

It's time for real authority for women in the church

Has Pope a major blind spot regarding the role of women in the Church?

Franciscans' global leader: Pope's Assisi trip time to consider church reform

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 230

One way to witness to the Gospel is to become more familiar with the religious traditions of people who are not Christians


  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
All Gmail hacking problems solved DG
 ...with help of kind people at Google forum and info at this link

If you have a Gmail account, this info may be of use

   Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Sunday, please bless the people of Africa

On this 6th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Hainan
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Saturday October 5

A poor Church for the poor
means a poor parish for the poor, 
a poor religious congregation for the poor,
a poor priest for the poor,
a poor Christian for the poor

A really good habit: check these readings in the morning, think about them during the day, 
look at them again at night

Today's Bible Blog  a four-course menu:
- let my people go!
- two famous songs from this psalm 
- family loyalty

never once did Jesus say sickness is a cross


Pope Francis marks Assisi visit with call for church to shun worldliness

"The Roman Catholic church, from the lowliest priest to the pontiff himself, must strip itself of all vanity, arrogance and pride and humbly serve the poorest members of society"

Videos of Pope's visit to Assisi

Many reports of the Pope's Assisi visit       NCR report

Lampedusa boat tragedy: 

300 Africans dead

Video with Pope Francis calling this incident "a disgrace"

"A slaughter of the innocents"

Getting serious about asylum seeker ethics

Bishop Geoff Robinson
 and Bishop Bill Morris:

to Pope Francis
to stop sexual abuse 
and to reform Church
- & calling for a new 
Ecumenical Council !
(John W has signed petition)


Please encourage more people to see 1-10
  re Bishop Bill Morris:

1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters

5: Summary re Rome
6: Frank Brennan's update

7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page for many articles re Bishop BM, the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013:
  Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II



Terror in Westgate mall: the full story of Kenya attacks

Incompetence and infighting among the authorities left the attackers free to continue their slaughter for 80 hours

Profile of the Pope's "C8" team

Francis orders overhaul of Curia

German bishops table new translation
(recent visitors to Austria and Germany say that "for all", not "for many"  is still being used in both countries)

(see comment from John W)

Church child sex abuse Francis faces big decisions on sex abuse
- see comment from Peter Johnstone (Melbourne)

Church tried to strike deal with police over child sexual abuse investigations

This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters  from Tanzanian inmates
 in Hong Kong prisons (including new letter posted yesterday)

Has the Catholic Church in Australia any credibility left?

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)  Vatican II  Reflection 229

The Gospel message has not yet been heard by two billion human beings

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W


My Gmail problems are not over. Can receive mail ok, but can't send. When I try to reply to a message, or compose and send a message, an "i" is added to the address I'm sending to ...so that jdwomi@gmail.com becomes jdwomii@gmail.com   
Can't find any info re this with Google.
Am using another email account to answer Gmail messages.

Any helpful info most appreciated!  (c.f. menu of Oct 2 re my Gmail account being hacked)

 Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Saturday, please bless the people of Central & North America

On this 5th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Guizhou
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Friday October 4

Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

  Readings for Mass of St Francis

Today, Oct 4: Pope Francis is making a "poverty" visit to Assisi

St Francis famously shed his robes in front of his father in a renunciation of earthly riches, and donned a sackcloth to live like and for the poor.

"I want to talk about how the Church should take off its clothes, how in some way the Church should repeat the gesture of St. Francis," the bishop of Assisi quoted the pope as telling him ahead of the historic visit

Live TV broadcast of Pope's visit to Assisi  (scroll to Friday Oct 4)

Today the "C8" cardinals are joining Francis on the trip to Assisi. May the example of St Francis inspire their discussions

Pope and advisory council discuss synod reform on first day

Council of Cardinals sets to work on Synod and family reform

"Career-focused clergy should leave Vatican and go back to parishes"

NCR report on C8 meeting

One of the best movies about St Francis of Assisi: Brother Sun, Sister Moon.
For a free viewing of some scenes, put "Brother Sun Sister Moon" into Google

I'm hoping that Pope Francis at Assisi today will develop this theme:
A poor Church for the poor
a poor parish for the poor, 
a poor religious congregation for the poor,
a poor priest for the poor,
a poor sister/brother for the poor
a poor Christian for the poor
just as Jesus was poor for the poor
just as Francis of Assisi was poor for the poor

Liturgy - New Translation

1998 ICEL Sacramentary
Misguided Missal
The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit:
 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vatican II




 Sacred Space 
 Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with 
beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible

Jim McDermott SJ
Exasperated American's note to crazypants Republicans

Another letter from a Tanzanian inmate in a Hong Kong prison:
Let’s use our Proxy Votes - a reply to 
You’re on your own, (Tanzanian President) tells drug mules seized abroad

This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons

Church abuse       Catholic Church opts for reform

Questions from a Ewe: 
Happy Birthday to Ewe!
(see the terrible quotes re women...)

v2catholic.com  This site's statistics for September 2013
God bless kind readers who check this site each day!

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 228

How a person or group or nation can be upgraded

2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W:
Keeping up with Pope Francis is quite an adventure. I feel sorry for the old fashioned Catholic papers who publish only once a week (...they should be publishing every day, on the internet)

Today, which Francis and the C8 cardinals are spending in Assisi, will surely be a most important and a most inspiring day in the life of the Church

Dear Holy Spirit, please powerfully inspire and guide Francis today. May his words and actions today have a dramatic effect on the Church and on the world

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Friday, please bless the people of South America

On this
4th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Guangdong
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month



Thursday October 3

A poor Church for the poor
means a poor parish for the poor, 
a poor religious congregation for the poor,
a poor priest for the poor,
a poor Christian for the poor

God bless the devoted group of  very-ill readers who are using this Bible Blog each day as a source of encouragement and strength. May the Blog's emphasis on healing give you hope and courage ....and good health!  You are on my special prayer list
            Today's Bible Blog  a four-course menu:
- sometimes things need to get worse before they get better
- hope during times when things are getting worse 
- becoming more like _ E _ U _

upgraded fishermen

               Photo from www.rappler.com

Come Holy Spirit and bless
Pope's meeting with Council of Cardinals Oct 1-3

Video report 

Cardinals meeting consultative Pope

   Chris McDonnell           Blogger from UK

There have been those who have expected an instant response from Pope Francis to the major problems we face. Instead, we have been offered indications of a changed life style, the odd phrase here or there, the open hand. And we are having to be patient


This site's full statistics
 for September 2013 


To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

   Taking a stand 

Next pope:  load of rubbish

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

"Same-sex marriage"  two elephants
 in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences

Globalisation of Indifference

Tale of Two Brains

John's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history



2013-08-03pope.jpg (24489 bytes)  Pope calls for less "Vatican-centric," more socially conscious church
c.f. another report on this "second interview"

Reflections on the (1st) Papal Interview (oh for time to read them all!)

Pope Francis' challenge to clergy a welcome clarion call

The Pope Is No Radical  (Time Magazine)

Daniel Daring   Thursday blogger Reflection on October 6 Sunday readings: 
The righteous will live by faith

We may boast of our scientific and technological achievements, but when it comes to the issue of justice, our world resembles that of Habakkuk ....and with Habakkuk, even in times of great distress, we can look forward in faith to a time of help from the Lord

Dying Black Panther Herman Wallace freed after 40 years in solitary confinement  ...this is the sort of torture treatment that caused the bishops of California to support a recent prisoners' hunger strike:
Bishops' 2nd statement       Bishops' 1st statement

  Asylum seekers:    Abbott nails Jakarta  

Abbott's mixed messages for Indonesia

The film about Indonesia that Tony Abbott must see

 Sent by a reader:  Louis Armstrong's Jewish connection

 CathNews USA Church Reform Organization objects to JPII canonization

ABC video and transcript       World food diversity is decreasing

   v2catholic.com's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 227

Christianity is not a "Western" religion

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W

On February 18 last year, I posted A Politburo Papacy? expressing the hope that the new pope would choose 8 cardinals to be his representatives in 8 areas of the world. Well, Francis today is sitting down with 8 cardinals. May this "C8" meeting be powerfully blessed by the Holy Spirit for the good of the Church and the world

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Thursday, please bless the people of South East Asia  

On this 3rd of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Gansu
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Wednesday October 2

Feast of the Guardian Angels


Bible readings for Feast of Guardian Angels


Dear Kind Readers,

About midday yesterday HK time, my Gmail account was hacked....didn't find out till I was on the metro to prison .....and this meant a lot of jobs when I got back from prison about 6pm.

I checked "what to do if your Gmail is hacked" and followed all the instructions...took a long time...changing settings and changing passwords for many accounts....only then to receive a vital piece of info (per a friend on the phone) that should have been processed first: run your anti-virus program!
Sure enough....5 gremlins....so after they were dispatched, I needed to again change all passwords (including that of the computer itself).  Not sure how the gremlins gained access....maybe an email I opened had a problem  (...I receive 20 or more emails a day..)

In the process of following above instructions, I caused all new Gmail messages to go to "spam" ....took a while to realise why not receiving new messages.

And in trying to send a message to all my contacts, I received a note on screen from Gmail to say I had exceeded the send limit, and my (sending) account will be suspended for up to 24 hours  (...a standard measure to prevent spam...). Alleluia!?!

Menu below is what was done late yesterday morning before I went to the prison. No time last night to do any more.

God bless the hacker(s) ....give him/them good health and long life!....I'm sure the Good Lord will bring good out of this mess

I offer the whole experience up as a prayer for the blessing of the Holy Spirit on the Pope's meeting these days with the 8 cardinals!

John W  (in HK ...not stranded in London as the spam message says!)

p.s. when I tried to upload this last night, new password for server would not work....had to spend a long time with on-line help people to solve the problem!

Weekly article by Chris McDonnell will DV be on tomorrow's menu

Pope and G8 (C8?)


CNN      La Stampa      The Tablet

Pope's homily at opening Mass with the 8 cardinals

Vatican II - Renewal (2)

Hans Küng: 
Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 
(link gone...anyone able to find it?)   

Robert Mickens:  
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?



John Garnaut: Bo trial points way to future with new China 
(Australia should speak up on the issue of human rights ....and not sweep human rights issues under the carpet for the sake of trade)

Video david-and-goliath-sumos.jpg (23827 bytes) The unheard story of David and Goliath - most interesting!
And see the comments which include this one:

"Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never tried to sleep with a mosquito in the room" 

Government shutdown: what's really going on – and who's to blame?
(This is sickening...all about power/control, not good of people)

From St. Beuno's Outreach, Wales:
Reflections on the readings of this coming Sunday, October 6

 drugs.jpg (12713 bytes) This website's Tanzania File
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in HK prisons   

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)   (holiday)

2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W

  Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Wednesday, please bless the people of East Asia

On this 2nd of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Fujian
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


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Left click bottom right silver button

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Left click this table of flags for details of hits on this main page 

free counters          
Table shows location of readers:
Australia - 29%;  UK - 18%;  HK - 16%;  US - 17%;  Canada - 6%  
(..well done HK!)

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012.  Previous visits 4,932.
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This site's September 2013 statistics
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Recent Hong Kong photos          Previous China photos        Ming Pao articles

Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   
 Email:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
     Hong Kong mobile  (852) 6709 5674
 China mobile  13030213703 -  out of action for the time being
Mail address: PO Box 74013 Kowloon Central Post Office, Kowloon , Hong Kong

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China Library:      Books   The Cross    

 Previous  weekly diary

Prisoners         Oxfam       FairTrade        MSF    
  Guardian         ABC (Aust)        School of Evangelization





