Pope's Pentecost homily:
Newness, harmony, mission

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of Microsoft-Google war!   counter for tumblr 
(see: need to cancel "archive" in some search results) V2Catholic - A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Edited by prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    Original articles have "comments welcome" link

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the example of Pope Francis 
in implementing the vision of Vatican II by service of the poor, by a simple life style, by simple liturgy,
by concern for Ecumenism, by concern for climate change, by concern for renewal of the Church,
by support for family life - all underpinned by a rededication to the Bible.
Two particular concerns: 
The New Translation   and  "Reform of the reform" agenda
July - 
Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus  

Imitating Pope Francis


Tuesday July 30

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> YouTube - What a Wonderful World
Not to love our parents....a very sad situation
Who introduced me to Jesus?
a constant theme of Pope Francis: service


Carrying his briefcase, as when he left

JPII's trademark: kissing the ground
Francis' trademark: carrying his briefcase

Pope on plane back to Rome: It is not his place to judge homosexuals
- see this fuller report from John Allen in which Pope also mentions:
- resistance to reform
- hopes to travel to Israe/Palestine, Philippines, Sri Lanka
 (& surely India....and what about Vietnam/HK?!)
- didn't like Charismatic Movement at first, but then ....
- divorced and remarried Catholics  (..a change coming soon DV..)
- role of women "JPII closed door on women's ordination" (hope he changes his mind on this as he did re Charismatic Movement)

And back in Rome, a stop to say thank you 
at the place where he had asked for a blessing


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Martin Mallon     Tuesday Ireland blogger
Why pray for our faithful dead and not just the dead?
Is the Catholic Church condemned by our liturgy; is it Christian?

May the Divine assistance remain always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen.  ???

c.f. Julian of Norwich: Reflections on Selected Texts by Austin Cooper OMI
(whole book free on line at this link)


Vatican II & Renewal (1)

16 Documents of Vatican II

Assn Catholic Priests Ireland
Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church


Excellent articles on Mission
Hugh McMahon SSC



 Click to enlarge this amazing photo of Copacaban beach!

- from ABC report

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World Youth Day

Reflection re John W's mixed feelings about WYD - by a HK reader

Living paradox: A pilgrim's reflections on World Youth Day 2013

Francis again presses the Gnostic-Pelagain buttons

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For the first time, Francis contradicts Benedict  
Benedict: 1962 Mass anywhere, anytime
Francis to one group using 1962 Mass: rarely and only with special permission
(c.f. comment by Anthony Ruff OSB)

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A new scheme by which employers cheat employees:
Pre-paid Visa card instead of salary.
See this video re McDonald's misuse of such a card in USA

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Path for Romero’s beatification cleared.
During his trip to Brazil in 2007, Cardinal Ratzinger said very clearly
that he thought Romero was worthy of beatification


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Australia: The annual National Charismatic Retreat for priests, deacons, religious and associates will be held at Newman College, University of Melbourne, January 5-10/11, 2014. Retreat Director: Bishop Colin Campbell, Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand.
More info from Sr Dot Buckland osf: debuckland@hotmail.com 
Bookings: Margaret Trainor - margtrainor@bigpond.com 
Facebook: National Charismatic Priests, Religious, Deacons & Associates Retreats

Michael Rossmann SJ

A Catholic Experience of Ramadan  (Ramadan ends on Aug 8 with Eid)

File of previous articles
on this hunger strike
Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Day 22 Update      Torture solitary cells costing US$11 billion a year  

For such torture:
Shame USA! Shame Governor Brown! Shame, shame, shame!

Between 1980 and 2005, California built one university ....and 22 prisons

The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?

An 'America' editor goes inside an abandoned Guantánamo Bay prison
at this link: http://new.americamagazine.org/issue/guant%C3%A1namo-prayers


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Vatican II  Reflection 1
Words from 50 years ago, repeated by Pope Francis at World Youth Day

John W - Blog - July 30

OK, ok, I've got to admit it: World Youth Day has done a lot of good!



 Monday July 29

Feast of St Martha

Where Pope Francis lives:
 St Martha's House

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> Martha's expression of faith
>> God rescues us (Martha) from distress

Martha's faith in Jesus & in the resurrection


Full text of Pope's final Mass homily: "Go, do not be afraid, and serve"

Pope Francis - World Youth Day                       (Google: "live coverage Pope Brazil")

Pope tells young Brazilians to fight for change by offering a 'Christian response'
'Jesus is bigger than the World Cup'          Full text of Vigil address

World's largest flash mob perform for Pope Francis     (What's a flash mob?!)

“Kick up a fuss!” — Pope Francis in Rio - comment by Pádraig McCarthy

Pope Francis on the “grammar of simplicity”  (re the "new translation")

Check this amazing video  (with Pope having another drink of maté)


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 TASMAD    (blogger from Australia) 

A Vatican II question for 15-year olds!
As a teacher of Religious Education, I once posed this question to my students:
Did Vatican II move the Church forward or backwards?
Justify your reasoning


This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell  
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter  
 John Wotherspoon

More bloggers,  more tank people, wanted from all parts of the world, to take a stand against tanks from left and from right

Please email:

  Weekly Archive 
main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011
2010  2009  2008


Huffington Post

Most Religious Countries And Most Atheist Countries

The Central African Republic is all but lawless, with just 200 police to guard 4.6m people from rebel gangs who attack women, kill men and recruit children at will. The town's Catholic bishop said Kaga-Bandoro's 26,000 population were trapped in a state of terror. ...utterly abandoned by the international community, allowing the Seleka to commit war crimes against civilians with impunity

New sex abuse crisis in Scotland

Priest claims he was abused by older cleric,
and church is punishing him for speaking out

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(click to enlarge)

Million-selling reformed killer Tony Anthony exposed as serial fantasist

Star speaker for Evangelical Alliance exposed
after online campaign by critics raises alarm

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India (click to enlarge)

Admit it. You love cheap clothes. And you don't care about child slave labour.
Despite a series of revelations for the Observer about the brutal conditions in garment factories, companies, western consumers and India are still complicit in turning a blind eye

File of previous articles
on this hunger strike

Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops


Day 21 Update 

For such torture:
Shame USA! Shame Governor Brown! Shame, shame, shame!

Interactive Bible Quiz - One Samuel

Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times you can get 3/3 ?!

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William Wilberforce died 180 years ago today
- after leading a successful campaign to abolish the slave trade.

"Africa, your sufferings have been the theme that has arrested and engaged my heart. Your sufferings no tongue can express, no language impart" - w.w.

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Literature and the arts are of great importance in the life of the Church

John W - Blog - July 29
Photos of yesterday's gatherings at St Paul's, Yau Ma Tei

Update: Pope issues challenge to Church (!!!)     Full text (bishopsFull text (clergy, religious seminarians)

 Sunday July 28

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> Abraham's tenacity when bargaining with God
>> when we call, God answers

"need to pray with tenacity" - Jesus & Pope Francis


Pope Francis - World Youth Day                       (Google: "live coverage Pope Brazil")

RomeReports Video

Pope Francis meets with young prisoners

Video: Stations of the Cross on Copacabana Beach (per Catholica)

Full text of Pope's address at Stations of the Cross

In Brazilian favela, Pope Francis becomes apostle of the slums

Pope: "I want a mess!"   What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!" he said, speaking off the cuff in his native Spanish. "I want to see the church get closer to the people. I want to get rid of clericalism, the mundane, this closing ourselves off within ourselves, in our parishes, schools or structures. Because these need to get out!"


World Youth Day

Weather and World Youth Day    Storms in Spain, Rain in Brazil ....
2015 WYD in Krakow?    (Europe again?? ....what about Africa, Asia??)


Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

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2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)


Engagements of Pope Francis












Many thanks for checking
 this website each day


Darlene Starrs Sunday blogger (from Canada, now in Ireland)
Some No Nonsense About How We Become A Saint

Deciding who is or is not a saint, is a decision rendered by God. I am baffled as to how anyone, even a pope, thinks they have any "authority" to declare someone a saint

Low Fertility Rates – Just a Phase?    ("demography is everyone's business"):
Thirty years ago only a small fraction of the world’s population lived in the few countries with fertility rates substantially below the “replacement level”  – normally set at 2.1 children per woman for populations with low mortality conditions. Fast forward to 2013, with roughly 60 percent of the world’s population living in countries with such below-replacement fertility rates


File of previous articles
 on this hunger strike

Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Day 20 Update       More than 1,000 clergy and other religious leaders in California and across the country have come together in signing a letter to Gov. Jerry Brown asking him to honor the reasonable core demands of California prisoners in Security Housing Units — some of whom have now faced decades in indefinite solitary confinement.

For such torture:
Shame USA! Shame Governor Brown! Shame, shame, shame!

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Ugandans honour Australian aid worker Irene Gleeson, who died of cancer aged 68

Wikipedia - Irene a Christian missionary          IreneGleesonFoundation.com


Website of Catholic Chinese Community Melbourne  

This week's smile: A: 1/F or G/F ?  B: Texts from husbands to wives

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Tourism and sport - the good side

John W - Blog - July 28
Mixed feelings about World Youth Day


 Saturday July 27

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> THE Book is full of wisdom
>> pray before night time sleeping
>> the foundation of our lives: Jesus' values

>> the blessings of working "overseas" for the Gospel


Pope Francis in Brazil                        (Google: "live coverage Pope Brazil")

Pope Francis holds Copacabana beach mass for one million
- with video, showing Pope accepting (asking for?) and drinking by straw from a container of his favorite tea, from a bystander  (...security guards also gulped?)

Pope brings message of hope to slum community     Full text of message

John Allen's report which says: Saturday night’s youth vigil and Sunday's final Mass, originally scheduled for a field 30 miles outside the city, have been moved to the Copacabana beach. Because of the rain, the originally planned area has been turned into a sea of mud.  
Sea  this article about the Field of Faith, which will probably be renamed the Field of Mud. What a disappointment. What crazy planning in the first place


drugs.jpg (12713 bytes) Pope in Brazil: don't legalise drugs. Trendy politicians won't like this at all
This is a potentially significant contribution to the drug legalisation debate, in which the "no" camp doesn't really have many high-profile mouthpieces. I myself have argued about what I think are the potential pitfalls of legalisation in a previous blog.  My own concern is that large scale legalisation is a leap into uncharted waters that will put millions more people into temptation, and lead to potentially huge rises in the numbers of addicts

Bishop Geoff Robinson
 and Bishop Bill Morris:

to Pope Francis
to stop sexual abuse 
and to reform Church
- & calling for a new 
Ecumenical Council !
(John W has signed petition)


Please encourage more people to see 1-10
  re Bishop Bill Morris:

1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters

5: Summary re Rome
6: Frank Brennan's update

7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page for many articles re Bishop BM, the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013:
  Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II



1966 Jerusalem Bible Whole text is available free on internet at this site

Day 18 Update
Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Video – July 17 Panel Discussion
 Panel members include two former prisoners who spent time in solitary confinement cells (which have been condemned by the UN as torture chambers)

Hong Kong Book Fair

On July 22 a local St Vincent de Paul Society president and I took part in an interview at the Catholic Diocese stand of HK's annual Book Fair.
This link has photos and a YouTube video (in Cantonese) 
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The Church should be a patron of culture for the poor

John W - Blog - July 27
Lessons from WYD weather for 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics



 Friday July 26

Feast of Saints Joachim and Ann   parents of Mary,
grandparents of Jesus, & apostles James and John

Saint Anne is the patron saint of many places in the world.
 One of the most famous churches bearing her name is 
St Anne de Beaupre in Canada
which I had the privilege of visiting  in 1982 - this picture a memento of the visit

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> It's good to remember good people of the past
>> Jesus' family tree goes to and through King David
>> previous generations longed to see the Messiah

>> Mary not an only child


Unable to link St Anne de Beaupre.     Please use this:      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_of_Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupr%C3%A9

Pope Francis in Brazil                        (Google: live coverage Pope in Brazil)

Pope blesses 2016 Olympic & Paralympic flags

Pope visits slum. Blesses parish altar... check the look on face of Card. Bertone (?)

“The Lord be with you. He is here in our midst.” Papal Liturgy in Brazil
(Pope will not be using "new translation" !)


Africa blogger
- Bakhita: 

Unpacking the transfer of sentenced persons agreement (of Hong Kong):
The transfer of sentenced persons is continuously being seen as a basic human right
...  directly related to the right to family life. International human rights laws guarantee this right, and several constitutions around the world recognize it in their Bill of Rights

Liturgy - New Translation

1998 ICEL Sacramentary
Misguided Missal
The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit: 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vatican II




 Sacred Space 
 Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with 
beautiful music

 Sean McDonagh SSC
(HK Sunday Examiner)

Has God already answered prayers for vocations?
Will we continue to dig for vocations to the priesthood with broken spades?
Will we keep praying for vocations when perhaps God has answered our prayers?
Do we continue to refuse what God is offering and what the Spirit is saying to the Churches now?”


July -  Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus 
A song sung all around the world at Evangelical gatherings:
Power in the Blood (YouTube)

Andrew Hamilton SJ

Reshaping the Church with Bishop Robinson and Pope Francis


Evangelizing the institutional church: an interview with Helmut Schüller

Hong Kong

Catholic diocese backs civil disobedience acts

Day 17 Update

Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops 

The plight of California's prisons
Since 2006, 62 prisoners behind bars in California have died from "valley fever" which undoubtedly is related to overcrowding and other unhealthy conditions. And 80% of those contracting the illness have been African-American


www. v1catholic. com ?

Fr R. Blake not happy about World Youth Day music
....but see comment from Parepidemos

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Freedom of church media ...and censorship of same

John W - Blog - July 26
Previous WYD: Pope in background till final days. This WYD: ???



 Thursday July 25

Feast of Saint James 
patron saint of Spain
- a public holiday in Spain:
Galician National Day

 Capital of Chile:
Santiago ("Saint James")

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> an apostles is a "dead men walking"
>> an apostle "sows in tears"
>> why did Herod kill James?

>> why no replacement for James (as for Judas?)


Pope Francis in Brazil                        (Google: live coverage Pope in Brazil)

Day 2: The Pope's arrival - a wonderful article, truly inspiring!

Video: Pope Francis prays before Our Lady of Aparecida

Pope Francis shakes up the Church (which in Brazil has "lay Eucharists")

Half a million attend WYD opening Mass

Pope Francis warns of ‘lost generation’ of unemployed young people


 On this St James' Day  The story of St James' Settlement in Hong Kong  & St James fashions!


This site's full statistics
 for June 2013 


To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

   Taking a stand 

Next pope:  load of rubbish

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

"Same-sex marriage"  two elephants
 in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences


John's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history



Fr William Grimm

Daniel Daring Thursday blogger Reflection on June 28 Sunday readings: The righteous in the city (Manila, Philippines)
‘Sir! Your backpack is open.’ I thank him, close my bag, and continue my journey with a sudden realization that it is not the police that can protect this city, or any other city, from succumbing to crime and violence. It is the quiet presence of the righteous ones that make any city habitable, peaceful, and prosperous


Bound for the Promised Land  Election of Pope Francis has given hope...after 40 years in desert since Vatican II

Archbishop Desmond Tutu:
Blair & Bush should face trial over Iraq war
(some years ago in my weekly diary I said the same...including name of J. Howard)
c.f. Monbiot chasing Blair   &   Pinter re Blair 

Thousands of California prisoners on hunger strike
- supported by California bishops
- Day 16 Update


HolySpirit.jpg (15414 bytes) Whatever Happened to…The Charismatics?  (ABC TV transcript)

c.f. Catholic Charismatic Renewal

c.f. Cardinal Bergoglio receiving blessing at Charismatic service
(a disapproving article!)

Brendan Hoban

Should popes be canonised?
vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 160
The internationality of the Church - fact or theory?

John W - Blog - July 25
Watching Pope Francis live in Brazil



 Wednesday July 24 

    Today's Bible Blog  (comments welcome):
>> act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with God
>> unity a great blessing
>> Christianity's most well-known symbol

>> prosperity gospel a mockery of Christianity


Pope Francis in Brazil

Greeted by ecstatic crowds on arrival
Pope Francis charmed his Brazilian hosts with his humility:
"I learnt that to have access to the Brazilian people, it is necessary to enter through the door of their immense heart. Permit me at this time to knock delicately at this door"
(Full text)

Video of crowds mobbing Pope's (little Fiat!) car when driver took wrong route!

Day One report

On flight from Rome, Pope spent 15 mins in cockpit chatting to pilots!



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Chris McDonnel     Wednesday UK blogger       A place apart
We should take great care with our own ‘holy places’, be they public within our community or within the privacy of our own homes. The image, the crucifix, the icon, the candle that help locate such a place, become tokens of our presence where we can listen to the Lord and enter into his peace

Vatican II - Renewal (2)

Hans Küng: 
Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 
(link gone...anyone able to find it?)   

Robert Mickens:  
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?



The Record (Perth)

L’Arche has been led by ‘beautiful, gentle hand of God,’ says Vanier

Church renewal

Schüller in Philadelphia: 'Where has obedience got us?'  (and see comments)
"Our priests today are like little bishops," he said. "They drive up, get out of the car, wave, offer Mass, hear confessions, get back in the car, wave, give a blessing and are off to the next parish."


Thousands of California prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Letter from doctor who worked in Pelican Bay Prison - torture described medically

Strong support letter from Germany  - time of crisis, Governor Brown on holidays

My article in HK Ming Pao newspaper

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Church groups condemn Rudd's PNG policy
"asylum seekers are human beings, not the means to win votes or the way to punish and deter people smugglers".
PNG solution at odds with international law

From St. Beuno's Outreach, Wales:
Reflections on the readings of this coming Sunday, the 17th Sunday of the Year.
Helping us to pray on the theme of this Sunday's readings: prayer!

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George Mobiot: New airports really needed?  (with lessons for other countries?)

Australia Church abuse

Video: victim of paedophile priest testifies


Frank Brennan SJ


Eddie Mabo's legacy

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Two famous French scientists: Louis Pasteur and Teilhard de Chardin 

John W - Blog - July 24
Is Pope's "superstar" status a good thing? (comments welcome)


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Table shows location of readers:
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(..well done HK!)

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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