Pope's Pentecost homily:
Newness, harmony, mission

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- A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    Original articles have "comments welcome here" link

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the example of Pope Francis 
in implementing the vision of Vatican II by service of the poor, by a simple life style, by simple liturgy,
by concern for Ecumenism, by concern for climate change, by concern for renewal of the Church
- all underpinned by a rededication to the Bible. 
Two particular concerns: 
The New Translation     "Reform of the reform" agenda

Imitating Pope Francis


 Tuesday June 11 

Feast of Saint Barnabas  
- a person willing to give others
 a second chance .... a fresh start


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June - month of
 the Sacred Heart

Jesus' words to St.
Margaret Mary, 1675


Two stories from the St Barnabas Society
which provide pastoral and financial help
to former clergy and religious from other churches

16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Too Western/European 

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

1998 ICEL Sacramentary

Misguided Missal
The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Excellent articles on Mission
Hugh McMahon SSC

Abortion - a true story

Same-sex marriage
 and anal sex



Martin Mallon
(Tues Ireland blogger)

Orans Position   According to the early church, the best way to pray
is “with the hands outstretched and the eyes lifted up”. 
This way “is to be preferred before all others”
Romero.jpg (49067 bytes) New book on Romero: Monseñor Romero: Memories in Mosaic
by María López Vigil.
"The book allows the story to unfold through the voices of friends and enemies alike
who deliver their side of the story in vignettes"
Prego (Wales)  Reflection on this coming Sunday's readings, Sunday 11(C)
NSA-whistleblower.jpg (14046 bytes) NSA whistleblower: Edward Snowden's choice of Hong Kong as haven is a high-stakes gamble 
(maybe we'll meet up?!)
HK Ming Pao report Dicky Cheung's mother is now out of danger
and will soon move out of Intensive Care to a normal ward - DG!   (background: see menu of June 10)
Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 11  (comments welcome):
Barnabas, "the son of encouragement", encourages the apostles to meet up with the recently-converted Paul of whom they are still afraid. Barnabas is the sort of person who is willing to give people a second chance, let them make a fresh start
vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 116
"In each child there burns a moral flame
which if nurtured can defeat the darkness at the core of human nature"

John W - Blog - June 11
 A place where the usual temperature is 50-60 degrees Celcius!


 Monday June 10 

Pope Francis' June 9 reflection re Sacred Heart of Jesus


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  June - month of
  the Sacred Heart

  Jesus' words to St.
  Margaret Mary, 1675

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Fr Ho Lung of Jamaica, the Mother Teresa of the Caribbean has three Masters degrees and a PhD. It was his Buddhist parents, immigrants from China, who first instilled in the young Richard a concern for the poor.
His Buddhist upbringing had given him a particular sensitivity to nature, and he found God's presence in the natural beauty of Jamaica. He felt the Jesuits in Boston were only serving the rich with schools for rich children. He left the Jesuits to work with the poor

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell  
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter  
 John Wotherspoon

More bloggers,  more tank people, wanted from all parts of the world, to take a stand against tanks from the left and from the right

Please email:

  Weekly Archive 
main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011
2010  2009  2008



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Saturday afternoon anointing at Queen Elizabeth Hospital ...jw called by pastoral team when hospital priests unavailable. jw had no idea who lady in coma was ...or who her sons were. At sight of media scrum, jw after anointing escaped by interior lift with help of security guard. Mother in deep coma and close to death at time of anointing. One hour after anointing, slightly awake.
Apple Daily video report
(cartoon cleric = jw)   Oriental News   
Ming Pao   Dicky Cheung English articles

Update 9pm,  Sunday June 9: Mother is fully awake, able to recognise and communicate with family.  DG!
No doubt today's papers will have update: see Apple Daily   Oriental News   Ming Pao

Pope at Mass: Learning from Mary to keep the Word of God

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As the compulsory celibacy issue continues to be raised in many forums, two of the best books on the subject are Freeing Celibacy   and The Changing Face of the Priesthood by Donald Cozzens.    
Cozzens is not afraid to confront elephants in the room, such as homosexuality in the priesthood.
See also Cozzens email to jw

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The three deadliest words in the world: It's a girl  (Video)

Interactive Bible Quiz - Joshua
Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times you can get 3/3 ?!

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Many thanks to US Association of Catholic Priests for putting link to v2catholic.com on your site

Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 10  (comments welcome):
- 23 years of failure, insult, opposition, rejection
- For many sicknesses, medicine treats only the symptoms. God can treat the cause
healing ministry VIP for Paul... and Jesus ...and should be for every Christian minister
- some Christians are called to be full-time Gospel workers

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 115
Religion should be a force for good, not evil

John W - Blog - June 10
 Which foot first/last when you enter/leave a mosque?


 Sunday June 9   

History note:  "Permission was given by Pope Paul V for the celebrant at Mass to wear suitable headgear in China. It was also agreed, after long discussion in which Cardinal Bellarmine played an important role in support of the requests from China, that the Bible and the most important liturgies of the Church, including that of the Mass, should be translated into literary Chinese so that, when Chinese were ordained as priests, they could celebrate Mass in the vernacular"
 - A. Ross: A Vision Betrayed, p. 148

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June - month of
 the Sacred Heart

Jesus' words to St.
Margaret Mary, 1675


Bishops who are following Pope Francis' example  - two encouraging reports so far (any more?) 




Daily prayer with 
beautiful music

Jackie Evancho
 - To Believe

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Bishop Geoff Robinson
 and Bishop Bill Morris:

to Pope Francis
to stop sexual abuse 
and to reform Church
- & calling for a new 
Ecumenical Council !
(John W has signed petition)

Brian Coyne (Catholica):
Support this petition






 of Pope Francis





Many thanks for checking
 this website each day



Darlene Starrs
Canada Sunday blogger

Powerfully Prophetic
We need to really examine what Christ is saying with the so called 'shortage of priests'. I think Christ is saying, that we have professionalized the Church to the point, where the faithful became the 'frozen chosen', and the clerics, from priest to Pope came to own everything there was about being Church

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I did not want to be Pope, says Francis - an amazing video report ....a new style of leadership

And see this lovely NCR report 

Weigel on Pope Francis

   "GW the only person on the planet who can do an interview about Francis and not mention the poor"

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Claire, the woman who became a Christian in Pol Pot’s Cambodian killing fields

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Born on this day in 1836:  Doctor Elizabeth Garrett Anderson English physician and feminist, the first Englishwoman to qualify as a physician and surgeon in Britain, the co-founder of the first hospital staffed by women, the first dean of a British medical school, the first female M.D. in France, the first woman in Britain to be elected to a school board and, as Mayor of Aldeburgh, the first female mayor and magistrate in Britain

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Fledgling US national priests' group to tackle broad agenda    15 resolutions on June 24-27 agenda

The Pope launches “Missio”, an “App” created by an Oblate        pope-app.jpg (171131 bytes)

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This week's smile

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Many people have been helped by these two books of Merlin Carothers:
Prison to Praise         Bringing Heaven into Hell (excellent for really difficult and complicated situations)

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For Hong Kong Chinese readers:  Yau Ma Tei Yang Memorial Methodist Centre which I visited last Friday for a meeting re helping drug addicts.  Staff very friendly, very welcoming. Centre especially caters for English-speaking drug addicts. Centre has a wide variety of employment training programs.
Phone: 27815469

Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 9  (comments welcome):
- the prophet Elijah brings a dead boy back to life
- You have raised my soul from the dead
the call of St Paul from a situation of spiritual death
Jesus brings a dead man back to life

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 114
The key to understanding the meaning of life is .... Jesus

John W - Blog - June 9
 Our main goal scorer - Pope Francis!



 Saturday June 8 

Feast of 
The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate-heart-of-Mary.jpg (19633 bytes)

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June - month of
 the Sacred Heart

Jesus' words to St.
Margaret Mary, 1675

             1984 - Pope John Paul II - Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

John W

Mary got involved from start to finish  - the love in her heart was pro-active 

 Sacred Space 
 Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages


Please encourage more people to see 1-10
  re Bishop Bill Morris:

1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters

5: Summary re Rome
6: Frank Brennan's update

7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page for many articles re Bishop BM, the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013: Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II


2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (243937 bytes)

Tom Fox re Pope's 'Wasting food is like stealing from the poor'
"Francis is revealing a habit of speaking directly to critical world issues.
I have not seen this in any other global leader in many years"

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Food scandal must be ended    Two million children a year die of hunger

Call to let married clergy minister

Can buy here      Eircom review

c.f. Priests 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men


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Hope high on low-key talks

Beware the risk of a Chinese financial crisis
The research shows how the underlying dynamism of the Chinese economy has waxed and waned in inverse relationship with the strength of the Communist Party's central apparatus.
When party central is weak, local economies have thrived, and when the centre is strong, the regions have suffered.


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India now biggest source of migrants to Australia

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Ronald Knox, theologian, author, Bible translator

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An inspiring book: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.
Essential reading for understanding the Middle East situation.
See also: Carter's response to criticism of this book

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Pope Francis decides not to spend summer at Castel Gandolfo
(check the photo ....such a luxurious place not Francis' cup of tea? ...)

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Francis steers future Vatican diplomats away from careerism

Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 8  (comments welcome):
Mary's heart
- rejoicing in the Lord
remembering and pondering 

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 113
"The modern world shows itself at once powerful and weak, capable of the noblest deeds or the foulest;
before it lies the path to freedom or to slavery, to progress or retreat, to caring and sharing,  or hatred."

John W - Blog - June 8
 Xi Jinping or Barack Obama in a Volkswagen Beetle?!



 Friday June 7

Solemnity of
 the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

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Jesus' words to St. Margaret Mary, 1675

      "Over the top" - the love in Jesus' heart  John W
The more we remember Jesus' love, the more we become aware that every one of us has benefited from his over the top love: 
      by protecting us, by rescuing us, by healing us ....from scum situations

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Today is the anniversary of Matt Talbot who died on this day in 1925

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Homeless Jesus

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 Humble photo

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Barefoot man in cold and rain
St Peter's Square  2013-03-12
praying for  conclave


Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

This site's full statistics
 for May 2013 


If you find a broken link in this website, please let me know: jdwomi@gmail.com



The inspiring story of Australian Christian nurse Valerie Browning & her Muslim husband Ismael.
 - 30 years helping famine victims in Ethiopia.  

- See YouTube 60 Minutes report
Pope Francis

Human ecology and environmental ecology walk together
"So I would like us all to make a serious commitment to respect and protect creation, to be attentive to every person, to counter the culture of waste and disposable, to promote a culture of solidarity and of encounter"
(Vatican translation not so hot...jw)

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Pope with Uruguay President - "the world's poorest president" who lives simply, like the Pope, and cares about the poor. This is the type of leader the world urgently needs.
President's comment after the meeting: “I think that if they let him, he’s going to make a revolution inside the Church, towards simplicity”

Bishops' petition

Petition of Bishops Robinson, Power and Morris now has 20,000 signatures

Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 7  (comments welcome):
- God will be a shepherd who shows special care for the weak and wounded
- the Lord is our shepherd
- Jesus died for us when we were helpless and sinful - such is his love
- Jesus' concern for us is like that of a shepherd for a missing sheep

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Vatican II  Reflection 112
When was the last time either of these items got a mention at my parish council,
at my school board meeting, at my community gathering, at my family meal?

John W - Blog - June 7
On this special day, may we do something for someone less fortunate than ourselves



 Thursday June 6 

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Today is the anniversary (6.6.1661)
of Martino Martini, Italian Jesuit, 
cartographer and historian who 
followed in the steps of Matteo Ricci
in China. Martini is acclaimed as the father of Chinese geographical science

Martini's grave, Hangzhou

Sacred-heart.jpg (78011 bytes)

June - month of
 the Sacred Heart

Jesus' words to St.
Margaret Mary, 1675

Yesterday Pope Francis talked about
 wasting food. 
 See this video report

"When we waste or throw away food, it's as if we're stealing it from the table of the poor. From those who are hungry!"

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

   Taking a stand 

Next pope:
 load of rubbish

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

Bible plan 2012        

     Near Death Experiences

John's other sites:  www.jesustower.com 




China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history



Daniel Daring

Every Thursday, Daniel's reflection on the readings, to help us prepare for Sunday:
The key to a miracle
The key to every miracle is compassion. When we feel the pain of others, we begin to think and pray for a solution. Compassion was the springboard for almost every miracle performed by Jesus

As we grow older, our life should increasingly include a loving conversation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (..also Mary and other saints...as well as our deceased relatives and friends) ....a spontaneous conversation, as with friends on this side of the veil.  Joseph Girzone describes this conversation as a companionship,  in his article Why did Jesus have to reveal God as a Trinity of three persons.
See also this review of Girzone's book Trinity
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Pope Francis: John XXIII "filled with goodness"

How Bishop Robinson's petition might succeed
 - Brian Coyne (Catholica)

David James

How financial devils came to rule the universe

Climate change

Climate change causing US wildfire season to last longer, Congress told

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Tiananmen Square online searches censored by Chinese authorities


"For the sake of the ALP"....Julia to resign, Kevin to be PM again ...before Sep election?

Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 6 (comments welcome):
- What can ordinary people do at a time of poor leadership?
- a great prayer when walking along a beach or near a lake
- Paul and Luke not quite in the mood for beach and ocean psalms
- When two persons of the Trinity are mentioned, usually the third is also present

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 111
Vatican II did not cause recent radical changes in society, but sought to understand such changes  
....and ways to serve a world affected by such changes

John W - Blog - June 6
 Throwing food away is a sin!



 Wednesday June 5 

Feast of St Boniface,
patron of Germany,
"one of the truly outstanding
 creators of the first Europe"

Today is the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

 Robert F. Kennedy quotes

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June - month of
 the Sacred Heart

 Jesus' words to St.
  Margaret Mary, 1675

                   But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior,
                   and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?
- Robert F. Kennedy

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  Chris McDonnell 
(UK Wed blogger)

The Parish Community
"The parish is a holy place. I take off my shoes."
What finer, yet simple, summary of the place that you and I call home, our Parish?  The image that heads this posting, of the Mother and Child collecting water in a pitcher, should be a reflection of our parish, a place of sustenance and refreshment. Like our family home, our parish is indeed a sacred dwelling. We disturb its balance at our peril


Hans Küng:  Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 
(link gone...anyone able to find it?)   

Robert Mickens:  
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Ron Schmit: 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vatican II

Priests 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?




ABC TV News video: 
Bishop Geoff Robinson and Bishop Pat Power urge Church to do more to tackle abuse

Bishops' petition officially launched yesterday   
Petition website (jw has signed)


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Pope Francis' homily June 4:
Hypocrisy is the language of corruption

"Let us think closely today: What is our language? Do we speak in truth, with love, or do we speak with  social language to be polite, even say nice things, which we do not feel?


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Beautiful report of Pope Francis' visit to a small parish in Rome
Pope listened to the singing of the children with his head bowed and hands clasped, accepting the blessing with profound devotion, as he had done on the very evening of his election.  In both cases closing with: "I thank you for this.”

Angela McCarthy 


The God confusion  How often have you heard in the same sentence ‘Jesus and God’? Many times I wonder at the God confusion revealed by such a statement.  (see comments by David Timbs & jw)


Prego (Wales)


Reflection on this coming Sunday's readings - Sunday 10 (C)
I see Jesus touch the bier, the people have become still, Jesus addresses the dead man simply and with authority. Everyone is in awe as together we watch Jesus give the young man back to his mother. Everything has changed, the weeping and wailing has turned to praise and tears of joy…


Vatican report


100,000 Christians killed each year


Clerical sex abuse


Why are Asian bishops still stalling on abuse?      Philippine bishops accused of abuse cover up


George Monbiot

Innocent Until Proved Dead
Did the FBI execute Ibragim Todashev? He appears to have been shot seven times while being interviewed at his home in Orlando, Florida about his connection to one of the Boston bombing suspects. Among the shots was the assassin’s hallmark: a bullet to the back of the head. What kind of an interview was it?


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Chinese architectural mimicry
- English village, complete with churches, built in China



Outbreak of Giant Yellow Ducks in China 
- not to mention small yellow ducks on sale everywhere in HK       c.f.  Deflation story

Free on internet


Jeremiah the Prophet - full movie




A new term for me: Web 2.0



Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, June 5 (comments welcome):
- Origin of the English term "laughing stock"
- deserving praise more than an Olympic medalist
- bishop gave Communion to more than 200 "non-Christians"
- YouTube: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord  (Godspel)


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Vatican II  Reflection 110
For the Church to stay stuck in static mode while the world moves to dynamic mode
is a recipe for disaster

John W - Blog - June 5
 Report on last night's June 4 vigil service



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