Tuesday May 28
Church & austerity Martin Mallon (Tues Ireland blogger) |
Why is our
Church so quick to condemn politicians who support policies that effect
sexual matters, such as marriage, yet are practically silent about the
imposition of austerity measures, which hit the poor in our society
disproportionately? |
16 Documents of V2
Pat Power
articles on Mission
Same-sex marriage
On this day in 1961 |
letter of Peter Benenson to The Observer - led to the foundation of
Amnesty International |
Vatican Insider | Pope has extended hand of friendship to China and Chinese Catholics by word and deed in recent days | ||||
news story 01 |
Good news story 02 |
YouTube: youth orchestra...using instruments made from recycled rubbish Facebook site |
China |
Pilgrims stopped from attending May parade c.f. Annual armwrestle and Background article |
Australia |
Launch of Guardian Australia |
American elected as new leader of world's Franciscans |
Vic. sex abuse inquiry |
Cardinal Pell at inquiry: Man in big chair Pell makes admissions Cardinal Pell admits cover up |
US sex abuse decision |
Complicated case of priest jailed in US for sex offences |
From Hazel (UK) | Catholic Herald of May 17 has fascinating article about Fr Richard Ho Lung - the Mother Teresa of the Caribbean (.."Fr Richard Ho Lung" in Google shows many articles..) |
Ecumenism | V2Catholic Article by Harry Winter OMI on Anglican and Lutheran Ordinariates has been linked at this Canadian site for scholars (scroll down...) |
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Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, May 28 (comments welcome): - not the sort of words to use in front of a cathedral! - beautiful words for our last moments - witnessing in old and new places - making fun of other people |
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W - Blog - May 28 |
Monday May 27
Pope Francis | Message to Mafia: "stop exploiting people!" |
This website's kind
bloggers Bakhita
More bloggers, more tank people, wanted from all parts of the world, to take a stand against tanks from the left and from the right Please
email: |
new symbol for the Trinity: the three-blade fan |
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Rublev's Trinity | ||
Michael Paul Gallagher | Show atheists the Trinity (Tablet) | ||
Simon (creator of The Wire) |
The war on drugs "a holocaust in slow motion" (with video) | ||
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Bible Quiz - The Book of Numbers |
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One more quiz: Africa Quiz - from The Guardian - to celebrate Africa Day, May 25 |
US | Faith-healing churches linked to two dozen child deaths (such extremism gives praying for healing a bad name) | ||
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Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, May 27 (comments
welcome): - human behaviour influences the health of the land - the Voice of Peace - Amnesty International and torture - staying silent in the face of criticism and ridicule |
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II Reflection 101
W - Blog - May 27 |
May 26 - Trinity Sunday
![]() David Timbs Melbourne |
Trinity The original source of Trinitarian knowledge originated in the experience of Jesus by his followers and by those who came after them. They came to understand that the only way God could be understood was through the humanity of Jesus. His whole life was a perfect human reflection of who God is and how God continues to act in human history. Jesus was and is the ultimate disclosure of God, God who is Trinity. |
Geoff Robinson Brian
Coyne (Catholica): May 26: Petition now has 8315 signatures...aiming for 10,000 before June 3 -------------------- ------------------ Many
thanks for checking
![]() Darlene Starrs Canada Sunday blogger |
has the Son has Life, the Second Person of the Trinity! I understand the 'Trinity' in this way, as described by Jesus, when he says, "I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me". Jesus also says, "that He will be with us always, and so he's sending the Spirit". I see a natural flow and mingling of the Father/Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit |
Coyle SSC |
Sunday reflection - with recording of
Newman's "Firmly I Believe" |
Malone SJ
mission of America
magazine/website in a 21st century church. The church in the United States must overcome the problem of factionalism. This begins by re-examining our language. America will no longer use the terms “liberal,” “conservative” or “moderate” when referring to our fellow Catholics in an ecclesiastical context
Allen (NCR)
the hype, Rio a major test for Pope Francis Four challenges: Church/State relations; the Evangelical and Pentecostal Challenge; the media and the message; youth appeal
Tom Fox (NCR) | When Jesuits and Franciscans come together | |
week's smile
A special smile for Trinity Sunday!
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Reading, Reflection, Prayer for today, May 26 (comments welcome): Thanks to Jesus' teaching, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, we become aware that our Creator is Three Persons. Like a baby which gradually becomes aware of a human father, as well as a human mother, so we gradually become more aware that our Creator is more than one Person
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II Reflection 100
W - Blog - May 26 |
Saturday May 25
Joseph Girzone |
Holy Spirit is making a statement when people stop going to Mass |
Space ----------------------------- After
reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA
Gerard O'Collins SJ |
Unlock the door - the case for women in the diaconate (Tablet) |
Peter C Phan |
should regard themselves as grateful guests (c.f. articles on this theme by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC) |
Philippines | Cemetery
is home for thousands of poor families Pope to attend Eucharistic Congress in January 2016? |
Australia |
(63%) of adults are overweight (35%) or obese (28%) |
Salvador's leader gives pope bloodstained relic of Oscar Romero
Ecumenism |
Francis could revive the ecumenical progress slowed by Ratzinger (Tablet - Letters Free) | |
UK |
of two talked down terrorists Reader: At least these men did not tell women to know their place! God loves and blesses every mother and all nuns who don't care if they are being ignored/despised despite their contribution for the good of mankind, and work humbly and silently, and seek peaceful means to resolve violence. Statement of solidarity by Windsor and Maidenhead community leaders (sent by Hazel) |
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Reading, Reflection,
Prayer for today, May 25 (comments
welcome): - Poor Jeremiah, he had to proclaim "priests have no knowledge of God" - there's something special about a church - God is only for our group, not for outsiders - Have we ever been ashamed to stand up for God's values? |
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II Reflection 99
The Lord's Day - with a Q&A summary of John Paul II's 1998 teaching re the Lord's Day John
W - Blog - May 25 |
Friday May 24 Feast of Mary Help of Christians - a title used by John Chrysostom in the year 345 |
John W | Where
do you stand on the issue of same-sex marriage?" As more countries legalise SSM, mention is rarely heard of an elephant in the (men's) room: the real and present danger of anal sex. See this doctor's report (not pleasant reading) |
Pope Francis | Atheists who do good will go to Heaven (= the message of Matthew 25: 31-46) | ||
Dr Joseph F Dietrich | Forced celibacy and its consequences | ||
Melbourne reader | Spot the seven differences in these two photos of Benedict and Francis | ||
USA | Maine Catholic church closing its doors (may there be a last minute reprieve like this one!) | ||
Subcontinent | Minority faiths being throttled in India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka | ||
China | Beijing tightens grip on appointment of bishops | ||
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Reading, Reflection,
Prayer - with readers' comments:
- Menu for today May 24: the first and new Eve and Adam; my soul glorifies the Lord; become more like Jesus; put God's word into practice |
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II Reflection 98
To use the Breviary you need a degree in ....page-finding |
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W - Blog - May 24 Sixty years ago today - First Holy Communion - DG! |
Thursday May 23 |
Pope Francis |
May 24, please pray for Catholics in China |
Daniel Daring
reflection on the Sunday readings, to help us prepare for Sunday: |
Anscar Chupungco |
translation has made a mess of Trinity Sunday opening prayer |
The New Translation |
2013 survey of US priests - majority don't like NT |
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The Charismatic Renewal - the second half of this article has lots of historical info that few people have heard of ....re how Pope Leo XIII tried in vain to get the Church more interested in the Holy Spirit |
Joseph Girzone |
have to wake up! Let the people have a say
during Mass. |
Judith Lynch |
Pope Francis, the poor, and me (CathBlog) |
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Reading, Reflection,
Prayer - with readers' comments:
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II Reflection 97
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W - Blog - May 16 |
Wednesday May 22 |
(UK Wed blogger)
apart from the month of May, we should take time in the stillness of
prayer to reflect on the
significance of Mary and allow our own favourite image to instill
in us the tranquil peace and, at the same time, challenge, that
Epstein achieved in his Mother and Child
Matteo Ricci beatification linked to Church-China relations - may Pope Francis cut the red tape!
Real power is service - Pope Francis, May 21 homily
in the Philippines |
Harmonica Man
- why so many kids are into music -
lovely story from US
The Good
Oil has many interesting articles,
including Francis
and the Signs of the Times by Garry
is a "Public Juridic Person"?
more responsibility for lay people, a sign of the Spirit
Victorian sex abuse inquiry: Archbishop Hart admits "awful blight"
How religions change their mind
In this week after Pentecost, let's think about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost: the Gift - a down to earth explanation of the seven gifts
Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments - Menu for today May
Bible reading a source of wisdom and strength; resolutely taking the road for
Jerusalem; when friends desert us in time of trial
Vatican II Reflection 96 Rediscovered: The Sacrament of the Sick
W - Blog - May 22
A story between two beds!
(This section under renovation)
Fr Hans
Letter to bishops
to stop authoritarianism |
9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men |
To publish an article on this site please contact |
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
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