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A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!  
Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the vision of Vatican II despite the Church going through a time of shame & sadness

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of  Microsoft-Google war!

The New Translation      

Pope Francis -Thank You Holy Spirit !

Agenda of "Reform of the Reform":   no more Communion under both kinds, Latin Mass with priest not facing people, no lay people (except altar boys) on sanctuary, no altar girls, no special ministers, Communion on tongue while kneeling down, no more deacons, more censorship, more control by Rome, Vatican II teaching undermined  



Sunday April 14

Just for today, no comment box with articles. Reason: comment box is causing articles to open very slowly, and also sometimes not working at all. New comment box program tomorrow DV 
Moving to Ireland
 Darlene Starrs
(Canada Sunday blogger)
Wishing you a safe trip and every blessing in Ireland, Darlene. I guess this means that from now on you are an Ireland blogger!  Anyone know someone in Canada who'd like to be a blogger for this website?

Pope Francis on "Triumphalism"

Pope selects 8 cardinals 
as special advisors
(please excuse the triumphalism but see Feb 18 wish for 8 helpers!)

Don't imitate Francis 
and wash women's feet
UK liturgy secretary !

Cardinal Kasper: Pope Francis will bring new life 

Rosary beads at deathbed:
John W
Yesterday I spent a hour or two at deathbed of 21 year old inmate in a local hospital. Inmate was a Catholic and parents appreciated presence of padre. After the anointing of the sick and parts of the psalms and a few other prayers, I found myself, not for the first time, falling back on my trusty rosary beads. At first praying the normal Rosary, then using short lines from the Gospels ....e.g. for the ten beads of one decade I used the words "Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life" (repeating it slowly 10 times).  Once again I experienced the consolation, for the dying man and his parents, of the sight of the beads being used 

Saint Oscar Romero

AUD$205 drugs from HK found in carpet cleaner!

Only China can control
 North Korea

This week's smile
  Wardrobe changes at the Vatican

 Reading Reflection Prayer
Menu for today April 14
Obedience to God comes before
human obedience
Not left among the dead
The Lamb who was on Cross
Without Jesus, no fish.
With Jesus, many fish

Vatican II  Reflection 58
"Chastity" not the same as
"Evangelical chastity"

John W - Blog - April 14
"Asia's World City":
Hong Kong or ... Brisbane? !

She did it!   25/25 !

Monday April 15

Today the anniversary (and birthday!) of
Corrie ten Boom

 Her powerful  movie
The Hiding Place

(and see below re Corrie)

Trial of new comment box program from today - thanks to
 Go to IntenseDebate

Imitating Pope Francis'
simple lifestyle
   John W
I suppose the psychologists would say we first need to downsize our image, our "keeping up with or surpassing the Joneses" ego
(Please post a comment!)

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 15
God-with-us (Emmanuel)
Good for health: saying sorry
Maybe Paul had a 
"near death experience"?
Selfishness ruins a life
Please add a comment!

Scientists: millions face starvation as world warms

Returning to spiritual basics
Brother Andrew (co-founder of the Brothers of Charity)

Cardinal Kasper: Pope will bring new life  John Thavis

It takes good manners 
to be grateful to God

Vatican II  Reflection 59
Concept of "Religious life"
needs re-thinking

Movie review   
The book

YouTube interview

Other books by Corrie

 "There's not a pit so deep
 where God is not deeper still"

 "You never know Christ is all you need , until Christ is all you have"

John W - Blog - April 15
Pope Francis: 2 of my dreams have come true...as will the 3rd  DV!

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)
The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci 
in Zhaoqing
(pp 127-193)


 Tuesday April 16

 Francis' Revolution
  Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
This pontificate keeps getting better and better. The feeling of peace that has enveloped the Church since the election of Pope Francis witnesses to the Holy Spirit carrying out a new work

Pope's Sunday address:
Pray for persecuted Christians

Pope's G 8:

Five thoughts 
John Allen

Guardian ("most viewed")

Cardinal George Pell?

Austrian Bishops:
Keep using "for all",
don't use "for many"

Cardinal Bergoglio 
celebrated Hannukah
with Argentine Jews

Commonwealth summit should not be held in Sri Lanka

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 16
Christmas peace, hope, joy
at any time of the year
Love makes the universe
go round
No unnecessary 
religious burdens
Mountain climbing
Please add a comment!

Vatican II  Reflection 60
Can anyone suggest a better
name than ""Religious life"?


journals.jpg (125788 bytes)

The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci 
in Zhaoqing
(pp 127-199)

John W - Blog - April 16
Wearing a Jesus bill board
on the street

“Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Wednesday April 10

Opportunity for renewal
Reflection on the anniversary
of Martin Luther King

is McDonnell (UK Wed blogger)
Recently I have used the word ‘exhilaration’ to describe these early days of Francis, for the Church seems to be emerging from a dark night.

Today is the anniversary of
Teilhard de Chardin

 Pope Benedict quotes Teilhard
- undeclared patron saint of 
Catholic ecology
Toward the end of a reflection upon the Letter to the Romans, in which St. Paul writes that the world itself will one day become a form of living worship, the pope said, "It's the great vision that later Teilhard de Chardin also had: At the end we will have a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host"

Maybe Pope Francis will lift
1962  ban on his confrere?

Out of African and on a mission
Reader: short term solution 
for Church's Eldest Daughter
c.f  Global priest shortages
and Indiana priest shortage

 Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 10
A truly Christian nation
should be a peaceful nation
Remembering and longing
produce hope and courage
Some Christians are called 
to be full-time Gospel workers
 Moral/spiritual cleanliness more important than physical c'ness
Please add a comment!

Gun control: a pro-life issue Gun control as a 'Pro Life' issue is what many Trad/Conservatives have rejected as they say it 'hijacks' the anti-abortion lobby. Single issue moralisms do not serve the great truth about life issues - Reader

Vatican II  Reflection 54
Not all priests will get pension?

John W - Blog - April 10
Many Jesuits on this menu!

Email from reader: 
Thank you for the fascinating pages from Ricci's Journals. 
I did not know that this book existed. I am reading the new pages you upload each day

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)

The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci 
in Zhaoqing
(pp 127-174)


Thursday April 11

China-Australia: list of new deals!
and see: Gillard chalks up win

Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,  to help us prepare for Sunday:
This week - Easter 3 (C):
Without Jesus, nothing works.
With Jesus, all is well again
The tragedy is that for many of us, Jesus continues to be in the grave. So, like Peter and his friends, we want to go back to our previous life and do business as usual. We want to forget our failures as Christians and find success in something else: our work. But what is the outcome of this decision? “So they went out and got into the boat, but that night caught nothing”

Kenya's slums at tipping point

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 11
Why nations decline and fall
Prayer in time of danger
Missionaries expelled
Healing and faith: a link
Please add a comment!

Afghanistan's first female
military helicopter pilot

Vatican  II  Reflection 55
Our whole day can be a prayer!

John W - Blog - April  11
Kiss my foot?!

Don't gossip! - Pope Francis

“When we gossip about others, criticize others- these are everyday things that happen to everyone, including me – these are the temptations of the evil one who does not want the Spirit to come to us and bring about peace and meekness in the Christian community".

He then outlined the correct behavior for a Christian. First, "do not judge anyone" because "the only Judge is the Lord." Then "keep quiet" and if you have something to say, say it to the interested parties, to those "who can remedy the situation," but "not to the entire neighborhood."

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)
The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More of it here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci 
in Zhaoqing
(pp 127-179)

 Friday April 12    

A Dream:  that before Nelson Mandela passes to the next life,
Barack Obama & Desmund Tutu  will arrange and attend a meeting of African leaders - in South Africa - and in Mandela's presence get the leaders to sign up to deals for peace, justice, economic co-operation, human rights etc . If this doesn't happen soon, maybe it will happen when they all gather for Mandela's funeral.
But how much better for it to happen before rather than after!
"The Mandela Africa Plan"

Rubrics and Pope Francis
notice candles/flowers

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 12
People who have no time for God, no interest in God
David believed in 
Heavenly healing!
Luke, a doctor,
 believed in miracles
Healings at the feet of Jesus
Please add a comment!
See comments April 10

Argentina martyrs might be beatified, with Pope's help?

Vatican II Reflection 56
Sickness: time for carrying Cross
 & time for praying for healing

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)
The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More of it here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci 
in Zhaoqing
 (pp 127-183)

John W - Blog - April 12
Photos of new  arrivals

 Andrew Ross A Vision Betrayed   - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742

p. 41: In the 3 years 1571-74, 58 Jesuits died in India (!)

P.63: extreme shows of anger or high spirits were unacceptable forms of behaviour and were very distressing to Japanese people, since a civilised person always behaved with quiet dignity. . ..Many missionaries behaved in ways which in Japanese eyes made them appear ignorant louts. "We forfeited the respect and esteem of the Japanese, and we remained strangers, to to speak, to the Christians"

Saturday April 13

A Hope: that the Church under Pope Francis will quickly give more attention to the burning issues of our day...issues within the Church and issues in the wider society. 
Wider society issues have been on the back-burner for many years as Catholics fought among themselves over liturgy and other matters. But the Church has something worthwhile to say about wider issues and will be listened to, as  is borne out by the articles below about Pacem in Terris.  John XXIII was offering a practical and wise response to the threat of war in 1962....and he was listened to...and his words helped prevent war.
Now is the time for the Church to speak out again about current threats to the peace and stability of the human family:  the international drug trade, the arms race, increasing unemployment caused by increasing mechanisation, climate change etc.

A humble priest is a credible priest  Bp Malcolm McMahon
The message of humility is a gift that Pope Francis has given to us in a time of crisis for the Church

Obama honours the valour
of Fr Emil Kapaun

- surely a case for canonisation

50th Anniversary of "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII
A pope was giving  much-needed moral leadership
c.f. How Pacem in Terris
 prevented war in 1962

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 13
Every Christian is a messenger of God's love
When no one wanted 
to know Matteo Ricci
Once again: a link between
faith and healing
How important is Jesus
in my life?

Vatican II Reflection 57
All Christians must be prepared
to die for the faith !

Aust sex abuse commission:
The healing God
&  100,000 abuse claims?

John W - Blog - April 13
Please Pope Francis:
address international drug issue

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)
The Journals of Matteo Ricci

More of it here on line:
The story of Matteo Ricci
in Zhaoqing
 (pp. 127 - 189)

2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)
 Humble photo

2013-03-14barefoot-man.jpg (79954 bytes)
Barefoot man in cold and rain
St Peter's Square  2013-03-12
praying for  conclave   

More bloggers, more tank people,
 wanted  from all parts of the world!
Please email jdwomi@gmail.com 

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

Engagements of Pope Francis


Please encourage more people to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris:
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM,
the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013: Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II


Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag
1998 ICEL Sacramentary

      Bloggers' archives - current bloggers without ( )

Bakhita   (Hazel C)   Daniel Daring  Inigo Joachim (Brian Lewis)  (Judith Lynch)   Martin Mallon  Chris McDonnell   (Bill Mulcahy
Des O'Donnell)  
TASMAD   (David Timbs)  (Peter Wilkinson)   Harry Winter   John Wotherspoon

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Fr Hans Küng:      Letter to bishops    Revolution to stop authoritarianism 
Fr Joseph Ratzinger:  Writings on Vat II          Robert Mickens: Vatican Implosion
Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: Of Happy Memory - and Hope?
Robert McNally: Crisis & Criticism in the Church 
Ron Schmit:  1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II

The new translation of the Mass
A ghastly process and a ghastly result

Excellent articles on Mission
by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

The link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
       Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids        Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012             Near Death Experiences
John's other site:  www.jesustower.com 




 China Library - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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