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A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!  

Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the vision of Vatican II despite the Church going through a time of shame & sadness

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of  Microsoft-Google war!

The New Translation   

More bloggers, more tank people,
 wanted  from all parts of the world!

Contact: jdwomi@gmail.com  
(notice that tank man is on a crossing!)

Agenda of "Reform of the Reform" tanks:   no more Communion under both kinds, Latin Mass with priest not facing people, no lay people (except altar boys) on sanctuary, no altar girls, no special ministers, Communion on tongue while kneeling down, no more deacons, more censorship, more control by Rome, Vatican II teaching undermined  
The next pope: a load of rubbish       
Choosing the next pope         Crash the Cardinals Prayer        Letter from Pope John Paul III  

Next pope: place your bets           Priest's dream for next pope        Seamus Ahearne OSA     Pray and fast for the conclave

Cardinal Turkson for pope       Next pope should be African          Church's Obama moment           New pope - Scottish perspective

New pope. Same Church?     A Politburo Papacy?      Gemma Simmonds CJ

 Sunday February 17 

Feb 11: A Momentous Day!
Darlene Starrs
(Canada Sunday blogger)
I would hope that a pope such as Cardinal Marc Ouellet would be reasonable and compassionate, willing to engage the Church at all levels, and in particular, listen to and reflect with the laity, theologians, and maybe even women!  

Church's Obama moment
John W
This time next month, I wonder if the tears will again be flowing, for the first black pope in the Church's history?

New pope - Scottish perspective

 Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 17
Remember God who rescued the Israelites from Egypt
By his angels God protects us
Confessing lips & believing heart
 Jesus tempted in the desert
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 15

This week's smile
 Three recent times of !?humor?!

Exit signs: reform papacy

May the next pope not be 
A control freak

 50 years after Vatican II
Fr Gerry O'Hanlon SJ

Vatican vs Fr Flannery:
Dean  resigns in protest

Why don't we care about drones?

Song for 1st Sunday of Lent 
"Jesus fasting in the desert"

On this day in 1826, Pope Leo XII approved the Oblates of Mary Immaculate as an international congregation Message for Feb 17 from  Fr Louis Lougen

Vatican II  Reflection 02
The Ultimate Messenger

John W - Blog - Feb 17
She does it again!

 Monday February 18  

A Politburo Papacy?
John W
A young Joseph Ratzinger suggested the Church needs more patriarchs. An older JR then changed his mind.

Reactions to new translation
Questions from a Ewe
"Dewfall" is a time of day!

Wed UK blogger Chris McDonnell
has a post re new translation 
Tablet's Letters Extra

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 18
Old age at the doorstep!
Night time is prayer time
Not Qantas/BA/Cathay/United
Piano and goodness levels
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 16

New Pope. Same Church?
Last week I ran into the worldwide head of one of the oldest religious orders in the church. He was positively bubbling. He confessed that in 2005, when he saw Joseph Ratzinger step out on to the papal balcony as Benedict XVI, he was deeply depressed, adding that it took some time for him to overcome his negative feelings about the new pope. Now he and many others hope that the resignation can change some of the ground rules, making it possible for the church to reconsider its position on myriad issues

Benedict's resignation
If we continue to think that the pope is the only viable source of authority within the Church we will be doomed to a see-saw of polarised conservative vs. liberal personalities. Perhaps this is the God-given moment for us to follow the Spirit’s wisdom expressed in the Council, dismantle the very recent ‘tradition’ of a strong, centralised papacy and follow Newman’s line in consulting the faithful in matters of doctrine, including that of church governance.

Vatican II  Reflection 03
It's all about face

John W - Blog - Feb 18
One picture = 1,000 words


 Tuesday February 19 

A Meaningful Life
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
Scientists like Charles Darwin have explained how life evolved, but they have not been able to explain how to create life or to explain the origin of the initial spark of life. Scientists know all the elements needed for life to begin, yet they still do not know how to create a living being. It is not surprising that Darwin believed in God.   

If next pope is a European, 
big disappointment  in Africa, Asia, South America ...again
John W
61 of 117 cardinals are European

Next pope from "global south"?
Naming a leader from Latin America, Africa, or Asia  would  reflect a new, and to many a long overdue, pragmatism within the institution

Radical Benedict
Michael Mullins (Eureka Street)
If a pope can resign, compulsory celibacy can be consigned

Very few Christians have heard of him, but he was an extraordinary evangelist, a Chinese Billy Graham. He died on this day, Feb19, 1896.
I have read and highly recommend 
Pastor Hsi, a struggle
 for Chinese Christianity

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 19
World's biggest banner!
Our No. 1 "should"
Conclave of apostles?!
Why "Our Father"?
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 17

Philippines: Super Typhoon an
ominous climate change warning

Swiss bishop: Reform Curia

Vatican II  Reflection 04
How many books in the Bible?

John W - Blog - Feb 19
40 years ago today! DG!

 Wednesday February 13 
Ash Wednesday 
No meat today....
(Pope gave up papacy for Lent?)

And so Lent begins
is McDonnell
(UK Wed blogger) 
Maybe we should all enter this period of Lent anxious to learn where the Spirit is leading us and help each other on the way.

Lent file

A collection of articles and 
reflections for Lent

National Council of Priests of Australia supports Fr Flannery

 Reading Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 13
A call to fasting
A sorrowful plea for mercy
A plea for reconciliation
Jesus' teaching re fasting
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 11

Ricci beatification update

New translation needs to be revised

Benedict resigns
Many articles

Catholica has a record number of posts re the resignation

Jesus was accused of doing the Devil's work Joseph Girzone
I came to realize that these clergy’s love was the powerful, triumphant Church that they were focused on, and not Jesus.  .. Jesus  has been replaced by the Medium he established ....And he has become a stranger to many of his own clergy

Vatican II  Reflection 414
Support Catholic papers! 

John W - Blog - Feb 13
Praying for next pope!

 Thursday February 14 
 Saint Valentine's Day 

Church should reclaim Valentine!

Like this - with bubbly!
St Valentine's Day Mass 
- tonight, Christchurch, NZ

And this from Australia:
St Valentine's Day Liturgy

Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,  to help us prepare for Sunday:
This week - Lent 1(C):
A lesson from the desert
The story of Jesus’ temptations is commonly associated with human addiction to easy life, power, and fame. It is partly true, but it is not the main lesson of this story. Jesus teaches us how to make choices in life. He sets in front of us two guiding principles on which we should base our decisions in every specific situation: (1) our identity as children of God; (2) our allegiance to God alone. 

Vatican  II  Reflection 415
There should be a
World Communications Sunday

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
A special menu today
 for St Valentine's Day
- really beautiful!
Please add a comment!
See Feb 12 comments

Pope's dreams didn't come true

Resignation of a teacher-Pope

No longer a job for life

We don't have a Pope

John W - Blog - Feb 14
Valentine's Day in HK !

 Friday February 15 

Parenting  "Bahkita"
(Friday Africa blogger)

While trying to analyze the entire situation, I cannot help but ask where did we as the parents/guardians of these boys go wrong? Is there something that we should have done that we didn’t do or shouldn’t have done and we did?

Fridays of Lent:   Stations
The Jesus Stabat Mater

Ron Rolheiser on Lent ashes

What do you need saving from?
Daniel Daring
Know your problem and then pray accordingly. Do not ask for forgiveness if the thing you need is freedom; do not ask for freedom, if what you need is a pathway to come home. Know your problem and pray accordingly.

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 15
We all make mistakes
God redeems all mistakes
Come Lord Jesus!
Jesus like electricity
Please add a comment!
See Feb 13 seven comments!

Philippines: Midanao peace deal
God bless the peacemakers! 

Two experiences & one overriding concern about Vat II
Fr George McLean OMI

Healing be damned
Australia abuse inquiries update

Vatican II  Reflection 416
Fate of society depends more & more on proper use of media

John W - Blog - Feb 15
I believe in Providence!

 Saturday February 16   

John W - Blog - Feb 16
Pray and fast for the conclave

Not just a new pope
 - a new Church

Lent - a time to prepare
Judith Lynch

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 16
 "Do what you do, do well"
The blessings of unity
Holy Spirit "re-fills"
 Ten Commandments re-written for adults
Please add a comment!

Pope's resignation:
We should have seen it coming

Vatican II Reflection 01
What a wonderful world

In any action taken in the name of the church today, one of the key criteria to measure the fitness of what is being done is the Bible. "Is it biblical? Is it evangelical? Is is scriptural?" are questions that must be asked time and time again.  (p. 26)
There is something definitely temporary about Paul's missionary stay in any one place. There is something of a deadly permanence in ours.
(p. 28)
For the cultures outside of Christianity, the earth is complete once and for all, and the world is not going anywhere in particular; everything is chaotic and directionless. People of those cultures are trapped in the terrilbe dilemma of a fatalistic world vision - empty of the notion of continuing creation and personal responsibility and opportunity. (p. 37)
Vincent Donovan  in

Christianity Rediscovered

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day



February 28, 2013:
Pope Benedict to resign

May 12
World Communications Day

Come Holy Spirit !


Please encourage more people to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris:
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM


Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

      Bloggers' archives - current bloggers without ( )

Bakhita   (Hazel C)   Daniel Daring  Inigo Joachim (Brian Lewis)  (Judith Lynch)   Martin Mallon  Chris McDonnell   (Bill Mulcahy
Des O'Donnell)   
(David Timbs)  (Peter Wilkinson)   Harry Winter   John Wotherspoon

Other Archives



16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Fr Hans Küng:      Letter to bishops    Revolution to stop authoritarianism 
Fr Joseph Ratzinger:  Writings on Vat II          Robert Mickens: Vatican Implosion
Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: Of Happy Memory - and Hope?
Robert McNally: Crisis & Criticism in the Church 
Ron Schmit:  1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II

The new translation of the Mass
A ghastly process and a ghastly result

Excellent articles on Mission
by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

The link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
       Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids        Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012             Near Death Experiences
John's other site:  www.jesustower.com 




 China Library - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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