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A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!  

Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the vision of Vatican II despite the Church going through a time of shame & sadness

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of  Microsoft-Google war!

The New Translation   

More bloggers, more tank people,
 wanted  from all parts of the world!

Contact: jdwomi@gmail.com  
(notice that tank man is on a crossing!)

Agenda of "Reform of the Reform" tanks:   no more Communion under both kinds, Latin Mass with priest not facing people, no lay people (except altar boys) on sanctuary, no altar girls, no special ministers, Communion on tongue while kneeling down, no more deacons, more censorship, more control by Rome, Vatican II teaching undermined  

Sunday February 10
Happy Lunar New Year !

This week's smile
 For the Lunar New Year of the Snake - this will cheer you up!

Why is change really so difficult,
specifically in Catholic Church?
Darlene Starrs
(Canada Sunday blogger)
At the root of all the discord, injustice, and abuse of power in the Church, is the work of Satan.
This point came home to me, while I was reading Jesuit Father Gerry  O’Hanlon’s book  A New Vision: 
A View From Ireland
.  Why are we, as the Church, having to prove our need for change,  having to beg and cry and shout to be heard by the powers that be?

Chinese readers welcome to comment on special readings for Lunar New Year, instead of Sunday 5 menu below   

Reading Reflection Prayer

- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 10
Young Isaiah: I'm unworthy
Isaiah was praying with the angels
Paul:  I'm No. Last
 Peter: I'm unworthy
Please add your comments!
See comments Feb 8

Shining a light on the Chuch's dark secrets
Sophia Bodegon, Manila

"Salvation is not a magic formula produced by a secret mixture of sacraments and church membership.
It is the result of love of God and grace and holiness and goodness"
 - Vincent Donovan on p. 42 of
Christianity Rediscovered 

Vatican II  Reflection 411

Set up Catholic TV stations!

John W - Blog - Feb 10
Meal for 7 at McDonald's

Monday February 11
 World Day of the Sick

Pope's message for 2013
World Day of the Sick

 Fufilling the Unrealized Vision 
of Vatican II
Richard Gaillardetz
Professor of Catholic Studies
 at the University of Toledo 
- explains how Vatican II's call for a permanent standing synod of bishops with a deliberative voice was turned into the present anaemic structure

A hole in the dam:
Comments by
Anthony Ruff OSB
on Tablet survey re the new translation:
"We now have someone from within the Vatican structure saying openly that the new Missal texts are abstruse and pretentious"

Harassment and Bullying 
in the Church
(Questions from a Ewe)
Laypeople can be harassed or bullied because Canon Law grants few rights to laypeople and little to no recourse for holding clergy accountable when bullying occurs  (c.f. above YouTube video...mentions how new Canon Law code is deficient re laity)

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 11
A river, a stream (c.f. Lourdes)
Mary's place in God's plan 
The value of Mary's intercession
with Jesus
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 9

Eugene Kennedy
 re Gomez - Mahony bout

Vatican II  Reflection 412
Training courses for Christians 
working in the media

John W - Blog - Feb 11
Happy gathering @ McDonald's


Tuesday February 12


Dissent and Authority
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
Ryan suggests that the bishops need to show some humility and admit that they do not know everything that God wills. Basically, the hierarchy must accept the sensus fidei, that the People of God cannot err in matters of belief

c.f.  Walk out during homily! 

New translation:
Lent prefaces have problems
Offensive use of "disordered"?

Vatican II  Reflection 413
Young people & Facebook!

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 12
May you see your kids' kids
World's cleanest river
World's dirtiest river
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 10
(for LNY & for Sun 5C)

Many excellent articles 
at latest BBI  E-News

Lent a good time for Downsizing:
What one couple did!

New file: Near Death Experiences
We should not base our faith on such books, but these books are a great encouragement for our life of faith.
These books are especially an encouragement for families who have recently lost a loved one - as one comment on the site of Mary Neal says:
I recently lost my 23 year old son and I cannot express how much hope and comfort your book gave me.
One thing for sure, when you start reading one of these books, it's not easy to put it down!

John W - Blog - Feb 12
A most common site in HK these days: families, families, families
spending time together for LNY!.

Wednesday February 13

Praying the Psalter
is McDonnell
(UK Wed blogger) 
The Psalms are rich and fertile ground wherever we find ourselves of our journey. They speak of joy and suffering, success and failure, life and death. The words of the Psalms have been read and prayed through the centuries and are still at the core of the Liturgy of the Hours

Magisterium needs to be seen
in its historical context

 Reading Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 6
Bad rulers rule poor people
We are escapees!
What's the most important book in the world? Not the Bible but ...
Church is a fishmarket!
Please add a comment!
oh oh,  no comments Feb 4!

It is in the cultures of the world, and not in the church, that the possibility of salvation for most of the human race is to be found. God enables every people and nation to reach salvation through their cultural and tribal customs and traditions. In this regard we should remember the words of Jesus: "I did not come to do away with the Law (the Jewish culture and religion) but to fulfill it".
Therefore a foreign form of Christian liturgy and spirituality should not be enforced on a local culture, but rather each local culture should be allowed, within reason, to work out its own enfleshing of the Gospel message.
- adapted from pp23-24 of Christianity Rediscovered 
by Vincent Donovan  

Vatican II  Reflection 407
Internet addiction! 

John W - Blog - Feb 6
Not being home for LNY
 like not being home for Christmas

Thursday February 7

 G. Weigel re Card Martini
Garry Everett
GE says GW missed the point....

China's burning bed
There is a growing chorus of anger, both within China and across the world, over the impending execution of Li Yan after she killed her abusive husband

In HK this Sunday:
Mass for Lunar New Year

Every Thursday,
Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,  to help us prepare for Sunday:
This week - Sunday 5(C):
Beyond Sin
We should be less preoccupied with sin, and more with Jesus’ amazing grace of provision and invitation to join in His mission. It was not without reason that the story about Jesus was called good news. It is all about God’s gracious love, abundance, and blessing. Let us, then, keep it that way and not change it into a religion of guilt.

China: Price of 3rd child

Ireland: Magdalene laundries

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 7
 Not "Superwoman" 
but "Superbeauty" !
Basic to every relationship:
As we grow older,
a growing longing for Heaven
You know I love you (x 3!)
Please add a comment !
See Feb 5 comments

Vatican  II  Reflection 408
Going down: media standards

John W - Blog - Feb 7
Another copy of Proof of Heaven !


Friday February 8

The Calisthenic Mass
John W
In the space of 25 minutes for a daily Mass, people are up at start, down for readings, up at Alleluia, down for homily, up for Prayer of Faithful, down for Offertory, up for Pray brethren, down for Eucharistic Prayer, up for Consecration acclamation, down after Lamb of God, up for receiving Communion, down after Communion, up for Prayer after Communion....that's a 7-Up Mass!

Abbot Martin re Church reform

Have faith, be healed

Vatican vs Fr Flannery:
Radio interview with Fr Flannery

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 8
Thinking about meaning of life
Freed from bondage
Eternal Life vs Eternal Death
Eternal life by faith in Jesus
Please add your own  comments about any of these readings
See Feb 6 comments

The wisdom of forgetting
everything you know !

Philippines: Happy 65th Birthday
Mindanao Cross!

Australia: Climate change petition

Vatican II  Reflection 409
"Self-regulation" doesn't work.
Media needs
government regulation

John W - Blog - Feb 8
A book to fire the heart!

Saturday February 9
Lunar New Year Eve

Tablet survey results:
New translation after one year

A fisherman's story
Judith Lynch
Peter, with his tangle of bluster, impulsive generosity and what he called his sinfulness, is a great role model for we twenty first century disciples.  He reminds us that God works with who we are just as long as we work with what we have been given 

In Christianity Rediscovered Vincent Donovan says how he was influenced by Frederick Lebbe. This short summary of Lebbe's life shows how he stood up to unreasonable church authority of his time...and was eventually vindicated by the Vatican

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 9
YouTube: "Turn, Turn, Turn"
Woman = baby factory?
No electricity bills in Heaven
Every Christian a missionary
Please add your own  comments about any of these readings
See Feb 7 comments

Philippines: Crazy Oblates
These rugged men live in the most treacherous parts of the country.  Four of their brother priests have already been killed, some tortured.  Yet instead of getting scared, they’re emboldened to serve God even more. 

Vatican II Reflection 410
More effective use of media

John W - Blog - Feb 9
Lunar New Year Eve

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day



February 28, 2013:
Pope Benedict to resign

Come Holy Spirit !


Please encourage more people to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris:
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM


Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

      Bloggers' archives - current bloggers without ( )

Bakhita   (Hazel C)   Daniel Daring  Inigo Joachim (Brian Lewis)  (Judith Lynch)   Martin Mallon  Chris McDonnell   (Bill Mulcahy
Des O'Donnell)   
(David Timbs)  (Peter Wilkinson)   Harry Winter   John Wotherspoon

Other Archives



16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Fr Hans Küng:      Letter to bishops    Revolution to stop authoritarianism 
Fr Joseph Ratzinger:  Writings on Vat II          Robert Mickens: Vatican Implosion
Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: Of Happy Memory - and Hope?
Robert McNally: Crisis & Criticism in the Church 
Ron Schmit:  1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II

The new translation of the Mass
A ghastly process and a ghastly result

Excellent articles on Mission
by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

The link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
       Taking a stand    
 Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids        Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012              V2 Reflections
John's other site:  www.jesustower.com 




 China Library - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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