Vatican II  Catholic                    A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II          Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!                    
Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 

October 7 - 28: Evangelization Synod in Rome               October 11: 50th Anniversary of opening of Vatican II
Let's pray each day Oct 7-28 for the Synod:
Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on the Synod participants. Fill them with the vision of Vatican II !
To rekindle the fire of evangelization in our own hearts, lets read one of these each day Oct 7-28.  They discuss what Synod should discuss

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!    Statcounter

DV  New articles 7 days a week
 to encourage people  who are trying to keep the flame
 of Vatican II burning in the middle of the road
despite extreme winds from Left and Right

Sunday October 21

Spiritual Desert  - some thoughts
on a Synod theme
David Timbs
(Sunday blogger from Australia)
 What must be alarming for leaders more interested in facts rather than spin is that people have made a distinction between God and God’s representatives, between Jesus Christ and the hierarchical structure of the Church. Many millions have decided that they can live, not without God and Jesus, but without the organisation in its present form.
 The Pope with the European and North American bishops are convinced that the most serious malaise in the Church is a drought of doctrine. They are turning the Synod into a self-absorbed European affair and I think they are letting the rest of the Church down very badly

Listen to the laity Tablet Editorial
Does Church show face of Christ,
 or of authoritarian disapproval?

Church badly divided after 50 years
Sandro Contenta  (

The church has to listen to its people. The stakes are huge
The church is being torn by a classic power struggle. Reformers say Vatican II calls for a more decentralized and democratic church; the Vatican has instead centralized control while cracking down on doctrinal opposition for 30 years

Victorian abuse inquiry: (The Age)
Catholic clergy the worse abusers

Not true: teach a man to fish...
A moving story from Kenya

This week's smile  Chinese-English

Vatican II  Reflection 299
Avoid destructive rivalries

Bible Plan: Sun 29 readings
 Serve rather than be served

John W:  Daily Blog - Oct 21
70th Anniversary of El Alamein,
 where my Dad was wounded 

Monday October 22

List of good political leaders
John W (
Anyone like to add a name?)
"It is not power that corrupts, 
but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it"

Electoral Responsibility
America Magazine Editorial
Both presidential candidates have taken positions that are incompatible with the moral law. “A nation,” wrote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”

What does God do in Heaven?
Joseph Girzone
All that to-do about the whole population of heaven spending their eternity falling down in worship of the Almighty is purely an unhealthy creation of our human imagination

We need to talk about marriage
Cardinal George Pell

New insights into the birth 
of the modern Chinese Church

Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Using Liam Brockey's Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China 1579-1724, Hugh draws lessons from the efforts of Jesuits who laid the foundations of the Church in China, Korea and Japan

100 theologians' call to protect the endangered Common Good
- especially 5 basic principles

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 22
Father's words of wisdom to son
the "sun-in-law" psalm !
Slave who became a brother
Jesus on trial in three courts

Vatican II  Reflection 300
Keep the laity "under control" ?

John W:  Daily Blog - Oct 22
Mother Teresa in Heaven or Hell?!

Tuesday October 23
Chung Yeung Festival
(Public holiday in China & HK)

Vatican II Success Story?
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
Effective ecumenism is one of the greatest unused tools of evangelisation. Imagine if the Christian Churches could be, and seen to be,  united on many issues, how Christ’s request in John 17:21, that “May they all be one”, would demonstrate that Christians do practice Christianity and are united in Christ. What a wonderful witness of Christ for the rest of humanity.

Ukraine an example of evangelization
John Allen (NCR)

The new look Confucius
Fr Hugh McMahon SSC
For Christians the goals and methods of Confucian self-cultivation have a familiar ring. They spell out practical steps of  love of neighbor. Those who participate in life in East Asia soon experience a warmth, respect and consideration for others.  Those interested in locating the source of this sensitivity find it in the Confucian habit of showing consideration. This is what impressed Ricci and why he praised Confucian morality 

Victorian abuse inquiry:
(The Age)
One in 20 priests an abuser
Professor calls for married priests,
to reduce child sex abuse

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 23
 Raphael helping Tobit
Some trust in chariots 
God's Ultimate Spokesperson
Time of immense mental suffering

Vatican II  Reflection 301
Clericalism obstructing laity

John W:   Daily Blog - Oct 23
Chung Yeung reflection

Wednesday October 17

How do we make our church
the church of our children?

Chris McDonnell
(Wednesday blogger from UK)
Exclusive!  Chris' own report of 
"A Call to Action" meeting at which he was one of the four speakers!

This article has links to reports of meeting by other websites 

Synod: John Allen's update
"A rather striking omission at the Synod: So far, nobody’s said anything about deacons". (Reason?  Vatican not in favor of deacons

Re-embracing vision of Vat II
Sr Clare Condon SGS (Good Oil)
The institution of the Church has become old and tired and too internally focused

Vatican II's  prophetic
Declaration on Religious Freedom
Bernard Teo CSsR (Good Oil)

Latest Christian Healing Ministries has article about Christmas 
Francis MacNutt with words 
"For everyone who has a desolate Christmas memory, God has reserved the greatest consolation"

Empty Promise
George Monbiot 
The consensus is that climate change will hurt farmers in the tropics and help farmers in temperate countries

Victorian abuse inquiry:
Salesian sex probe report queried

Vatican II  Reflection 295
Join a group like St VdP Society!

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 17
People lapse when no good leader
Ultimate folly
Rescue from world of hate
Cut-off ear re-joined 

John W: Daily Blog - Oct 17
My Australia holiday schedule

October 18
Feast of St Luke the Evangelist


Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,
 to help us prepare for Sunday:
29B: Do not disappoint us, please
Martin Luther King wrote about his great disappointment with the church and its leadership. "So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an arch-defender of the status quo." Have our churches adapted a lord-leader model of leadership? Where are those leaders who prefer to serve than to be served? 

Plea re translation & subsidiarity

US moral theologian on Vat II

US bishop kicked sideways?
Reader: Glad he stood his ground with the bullies in the Curia.

Vat II:  Birth of the World Church
Brother Seán D Sammon  FMS
Church too European....

The Lost War of the Vatican
Part One   Part Two
(Compass) Reader: Part Two has a lot more gravitas than Part One.
(Not accessible outside Australia)

Bible Plan for Oct 18:
Readings for feast of St Luke

Vatican  II  Reflection 296
Common sense re lay groups

John W:  Daily Blog - Oct 18
Shame, Oriental Daily, Shame!

Friday October 19

What's gone wrong with my church?
My church has fallen prey to what is sometimes known as the ‘choke law’. This ‘law’ was first identified by Roman Catholic missiologists, but it applies to evangelical churches

Doctor's afterlife experience
  Howard  Dr Mary  Dr Jeffrey

Comment re International Day
 of the Girl Child

Every three seconds a girl is forced  into early marriage – about 200 by the time you get to end of this article 

Women deacons?
George Ripon (Catholica)

 Bishops and Religious need dialogue

Ways out of economic depression
Fr Bruce Duncan CSsR
(Eureka St)
Austerity not the answer!

Pope: Ignorance of Creed breeds Cafeteria Catholics  (NCR)
Reader: Lexicon getting a work out

Vatican II  Reflection 297
Vatican = control freaks club?

John W:   Daily Blog - Oct 19
Politics in US and Australia

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 19
Tobit: loyal to God, caring for poor
Only source of true happiness 
Self-supporting elders
The worst night in Peter's life

October 20

Synod update from John Allen:
HK's Card Tong speaks about
China and about Church reform
Tong is a quiet, beaming, humble figure, utterly free of the clerical pretense that some stereotypically associate with Catholic prelates

The beginning of all reform 
 must be in ourselves
John W
Internal  B4 outward 

Digging out the problem 
Teresa Mee
(ACP) ("must read")
It's time to
go where the absentee younger generation are and engage with them. We may find the cause of the problem is neither with them nor with any of the ‘isms’ being quoted by the hierarchy. Culturally, the Church is out of sync. with our generation in more respects than in the regalia of its leaders

Obedience  Brian Fahy (ACP)

Talk on Vat II Donald Dorr (ACP)
Outdated, ridiculous, and unChristian titles like Your Lordship/Grace should be replaced by forms of address in line with the words of Jesus in relation to leadership

Vatican II Reflection 298
More parish jobs for lay people?

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 20
Ridiculed for his misfortune, 
he entrusted his life to the Lord
When trouble breaks out on every side 
Message for house church leader
He was hit and insulted

John W:  Daily Blog - Oct 20
Married today. Last night he ....! 

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

Calendar      (any other items?):

 Oct 7 -28 Synod of Bishops

John W's Australia schedule

For all above:
Come Holy Spirit !

More bloggers wanted!
  From all parts of the world!  

Let's encourage more people 
to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM


Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

      Bloggers' archives

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

"Reform of reform" agenda    


Current bloggers  

    Daniel Daring     
  Martin Mallon   
  Chris McDonnell
 Bill Mulcahy      
David Timbs    
Harry Winter 
John Wotherspoon

Previous bloggers

Brian Lewis 
Hazel of Old Windsor
   Inigo Joachim   
Judith Lynch
 Des O'Donnell
  Peter Wilkinson  

Hans Küng:
Letter to bishops
         Revolution to stop authoritarianism

Fr J. Ratzinger's writings on Vat II

US priests: reassess new translation

Open letter to US bishops re new translation

Making do with a faulty translation

Irish priests use 1998 ICE  - not new translation

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

To publish an article on this site  please contact Fr John Wotherspoon:  
Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids    Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012          V2 Reflections
John's main site:  

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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