II Catholic
A forum to promote and defend the vision of
Vatican II Original
articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!
by Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.
胡 頌
恆 神
"Reform of the reform" agenda
(at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top,
not bottom, of this page)
A reader in England: "Thank you for your daily menu of interesting
A reader in Australia: "I like your 7-day
format. On most sites, items are removed too soon"
October 7 - 28: Evangelization
Synod in Rome
October 11: 50th
Anniversary of opening of Vatican II
Let's pray each day Oct 7-28 for the Synod:
Holy Spirit, fall afresh on the Synod participants. Fill them with the
vision of Vatican II !
To rekindle the fire of evangelization in our own
hearts, lets read one
of these each day Oct 7-28. They discuss what Synod should

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!
DV New articles
7 days a week
to encourage people
who are trying to keep the flame
of Vatican II burning in the middle of the road
despite extreme winds from
Left and Right
Sunday October 7 Alternative
prayers Sunday 27(B) Priests
have earned the right to
Vatican's very own revolution No
more Vatican - SSPX talks? Alain
Woodrow's take on the China
will embrace democracy
week's smile
John W: Daily Blog - Oct 7 |
Monday October 8 QQ
& AA re Oct 7-28 Synod Pope's homily at Synod opening Hans Kung: Guardian
years after Vatican II, should Pope John XXIII be a saint?
(NCR) What
can we do about child slavery?
Vatican II Reflection 286 |
October 9 Born
on this day in 1623, Back-pedaling
on Vatican II Vatican
II only "half realised" In case you're wondering where Australian blogger Bill Mulcahy has been recently, please check this ! Philippines
peace deal will work?
Vatican II Reflection 287 |
Wednesday October 3 John W: Daily Blog - Oct 3 HK mourning 38 ferry deaths Edgeland Vatican
& Religious: What
is the role of a priest? (Part 1) Plutocracy's
Boot Boys Vatican
II Reflection 281
Feet John W What
is the role of a priest? (Part 2) Bible Plan for Oct 4:
John W: Daily Blog - Oct 4 |
Friday October 5 The
vision of Vatican II The
dumbing new translation (pt 2) On
being cyberbullied
W: Daily Blog - Oct 5 |
Saturday October 6 Jesuit
theologian to launch Listening
to God's people Australian
Rosemary Goldie
II Reflection 284
John W: Daily Blog - Oct 6 |
More bloggers wanted!
Bp Bill
Morris |
Bloggers' archives |
16 Documents of V2 |
Current bloggers |
Previous bloggers |
Kung's letter to bishops |
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching was
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932.
Note: counter at top + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this
main/index page.
Visits to other pages are not recorded. August
2012 full stastistics
Weekly Archive of main page menus