Vatican II  Catholic                    A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II          Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!                    
Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 

"Reform of the reform" agenda     (at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top, not bottom,  of this page)
A reader in England: "Thank you for your daily menu of interesting articles"
A reader in Australia: "I like your 7-day format. On most sites, items are removed too soon"

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!   

DV  New articles 7 days a week
 to encourage people  who are trying to keep the flame
 of Vatican II burning in the middle of the road
despite extreme winds from Left and Right

Sunday September 30
 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !

The Gospel and Opportunity Cost
  David Timbs
(Sunday blogger from Australia)
The story of the uneasy relationship between money and the religious establishment goes back a long way in Judeo-Christian history and that history offers valuable lessons.
The Church must choose between being the servant of Christ or a public servant of the Federal Republic of Germany

Alternative prayers for Sun 26(B)
and 26(B) Gospel in drama form

V2 articles in America Magazine
An Ongoing Renewal
Ladislas Orsy SJ: Vision of Vat II A New Pentecost

Aggiornamento 2012
Behind Closed Doors
Vat II & Christian Unity

Two classes, divided by "I Do"
(New York Times)
 Marriage & prosperity link,
 one-parent life & poverty link

c.f. Marriage is the best way
 to fight child poverty in US

This week's smile
"Opus Dei" sounds like....?

Vatican II  Reflection 278
Vatican a source of discouragement

Bible Plan: Sun 26 readings
 "Us and them" syndrome

John W:  Daily Blog - Sep 30
A long week-end in HK for 
Mid-Autumn and National Day

October 1
China's National Day

Are we really God's entrepreneurs?
Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

The first generation of Columbans broke new ground in the unfamiliar cultural landscape of China, the second generation built up the churches of Asia and Latin America, and now the third generation is called to help those churches make the Christian message more their own

Interview with Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland (ACP)
 "The sickening reality is that the most heartbreaking problem we have in Ireland is that of young gay male suicide" (From comment one)

Cardinal Burke - Exhibit A
(Washington Post)
c.f. Burke's Law (David Timbs)
and Card Burke a model of humility

The killing of 8 Afghan women
Fr John Dear SJ
The further down you read this article, the more moving it becomes.
And note the sentence:
Of course, we now know that our war is all about natural resources, setting up a new oil pipeline from Iraq through Iran through Afghanistan

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 1
A time of political instability
Put no trust in princes
Be a witness for the truth
Oct 1 - St Therese !

Vatican II  Reflection 279
Document on Laity - but there is not even one lay person who has a vote at Oct Synod on Evangelization

John W:  Daily Blog - Oct 1
Pray for China !

October 2
Today, the birthday of Gandhi, is
International Day of Non-Violence

Call for Reform
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
The current situation is very dangerous as it does cause people to drift along, believing official Church teaching is God given and binding, without using their discerned moral consciousness, therefore abdicating personal responsibility.  The reform of the Church must begin with the people informing their consciences

Good reading on Mission
Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

He recognizes the inevitable tension  between those who preserve truth and unity and those who bring the Christian message to a variety of cultures and situations. The tendency of the first is to seek uniformity in expression and practice. The task of the latter is to promote variety. At present, emphasis is on the first & attention to the second is sacrificed

Francis Xavier was a top sportsman
so he'd be pleased that  Xavier College has so many top footballers!

Families only a means to an end
Michael Mullins
(Eureka St)
Only 50% of Aust Catholics married

4-Course Bible meal for Oct 2
I will protect this city
The Lord builds up this city
Best bank: Bank of Heaven
Big bank account....a problem

Vatican II  Reflection 280
An outstanding lay apostle: F.O.

John W:   Daily Blog - Oct 2
Too many Mainland tourists in HK?

September 26

One step at a time
Chris McDonnell
(Wednesday blogger from UK)
Lines written for a young nun moving into simple vows, but they can be applied to any of us in different ways

The coded language
of the New Evangelisation
David Timbs (Melbourne)
Chaput stressed that the New Evangelisation would be best promoted  “through humility and spiritual discipline” – code for
 ‘toeing the party line by uncritically submitting to re-indoctrination.’  

Why not women?
Bishop Emil A. Wcela
The case for women deacons

Romnesia (George Monbiot)
The amnesia which affects rich people like Gina Rinehart & MR

Why would a Confucianist
become a Christian?

Fr Hugh McMahon SSC
  It was the possibility that Christianity could underpin and invigorate Confucianism which attracted Xu Guangqi, and the dialogue needs to be continued today

Thank you Michael Mullins
for giving this website a plug
on Monday's BlogWatcher
(and many times previously)

Vatican II  Reflection 274
Q for priests: Do I like to pray?

4-Course Bible meal for Sep 26
Don't kill enemies - feed them!
Strength for every situation
Accusation against Church elder
Justice will be done, eventually

John W: Daily Blog - Sep 26
Why Julia Gillard got sick

September 27
Feast of St Vincent de Paul

A beautiful St V d P reflection
He recommended prayer before action to recognize the divine will, so as not to leap ahead of Providence

John W:  Daily Blog - Sep 27
Monsieur Vincent free online!

Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,
 to help us prepare for Sunday: 
Sun 26B: Charity versus offense
Acts of charity make our days
bearable. They bring a glow of joy
to our faces, because we are able to help others; they put a new
hope and courage on the faces of
others because they realize that
they are not left alone in their 
trials and sufferings 

The dumbing new translation
Dr Anthony Lowes

Injustice in God's name:  the
corruption of modern Islam

Synod latest:
 94 more names, inclu 29 women!
So,  this article  has been updated!

Vatican II then and now
Fr Frank Brennan SJ (Eureka St)
Update of prev talk, with comments re Card Martini and Card Burke

Bible Plan for Sep 27:
Readings for Feast of St V de Paul
...all about helping the poor...

Vatican  II  Reflection 275
Am I interested in serious reading?

Friday September 28

Religion you can feel
Fr Hugh McMahon SSC
Today, Christianity in many countries is losing its attraction because it is too left-brained: it seeks to be relevant by being knowledgeable on world issues and urging social responsibility but fails to take people out of their ordinary world and help them experience a higher reality. The Wats and shrines of Thailand exercise the right side of the brain with their rituals and symbols which uplift by being seen, heard, admired and touched

Vatican II: lost and betrayed
Giovanni Franzone
(Peter R, please  email:
It is said that John Paul II and then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – as of 2005, Benedict XVI – were the ones who put a stop to the post-conciliar ferment, imposing a restrictive, minimalist interpretation of Vatican II. However, in my opinion, it was Paul VI himself who set the premises so that the Council could be, at least in part, “tamed” and the post-conciliar period “cooled down”

US election: climate change ???
and  Silence on climate change

Vatican II  Reflection 276
Priests and $$$$ ?

4-Course Bible meal for Sep 28
NDE at tomb of Elisha ?
God is full of compassion 
Pride & greed, where do they lead?
Pride at prayer

John W:   Daily Blog - Sep 28
A V de Paul day helping the poor

September 29
Feast of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael

Rethinking Mission
Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

The original role of frontline missionaries was to sow the gospel seed, form local leaders and hand over to them the responsibility for the growing Church. Then they moved on.  It was only later that they saw their task as that of establishing churches on the Roman model and taking on the responsibility for running those churches till, soon or later, a local clergy could share that responsibility with them.  Often that took many generations and there was a reluctance to leave at all. Mission became “ministry in another culture”.

Reflection on St Francis Xavier
Fr Frank Brennan SJ

"Multitudes out here fail to become Christians only because there is nobody prepared to undertake the holy task of instructing them. I have often felt strongly moved to go to the universities of Europe, crying out like a madman to those who have more learning than good will: 'How many souls are missing heaven and going to hell through your negligence?'

Recently  in book store I saw
 The Price of Civilization by
Jeffrey Sachs. I found his previous book 
The End of Povery compelling

Vatican II Reflection 277
Thou shalt not steal....the collection!

Bible Plan for Sep 29:
Readings for Michael, Gab, Raph

John W:  Daily Blog -Sep 29
A Spanish day in HK

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

Calendar      (any other items?):

 Oct 7 -28 Synod of Bishops

Oct 10 - Heythrop, London: 
Call to Action meeting 

Oct 11 - Year of Faith begins

For all above:
Come Holy Spirit !

More bloggers wanted!
  From all parts of the world!  

Let's encourage more people 
to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM


 Bp Bill Morris   
Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

      Bloggers' archives

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Current bloggers  

    Daniel Daring     
  Martin Mallon   
  Chris McDonnell
 Bill Mulcahy      
David Timbs    
Harry Winter 
John Wotherspoon

Previous bloggers

Brian Lewis 
Hazel of Old Windsor
   Inigo Joachim   
Judith Lynch
 Des O'Donnell
  Peter Wilkinson  

Hans Kung's letter to bishops
(the best description of what's happening)

Fr J. Ratzinger's writings on Vat II

US priests: reassess new translation

Open letter to US bishops re new translation

Making do with a faulty translation

Irish priests use 1998 ICE  - not new translation

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

To publish an article on this site  please contact Fr John Wotherspoon:  
Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids    Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012          V2 Reflections
John's main site:  

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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