II Catholic
A forum to promote and defend the vision of
Vatican II Original
articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!
by Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.
胡 頌
恆 神
"Reform of the reform" agenda
(at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top,
not bottom, of this page)
A reader in England: "This website
saves me a lot of time. Thank you for your daily menu of interesting
A reader in Australia: "I like your 7-day
format. On most sites, items are removed too soon"

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!
DV New articles
7 days a week
to encourage people
who are trying to keep the flame
of Vatican II burning in the middle of the road
despite extreme winds from
Left and Right
Jesus Christ is .... Comment
re Minnesota Video Yesterday
Aug 25 was
Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry Sep
14-16: Pope to Lebanon Full
text of Russia-Poland message
Vatican II Reflection 243
W: Daily Blog - August 26 |
Monday August 27 Minnesota
Video - Background "Us
and them" mentality Five excellent talks on Vatican II Dolan
playing dangerous game Sep
19-22: Melbourne Missouri
prison visit experience
Aspects of the
Spirituality From a reader in Macau: Pope
calls laity to responsibility
Vatican II Reflection 245 John W: Daily Blog -
August 28 |
Wednesday August 22 In
Remembering there is Salvation Why
Republicans and Democrats Can’t Feel Each Other’s Pain Australia:
Church action against gambling (c.f.
Daily Blog below!) Earthy
Concerns (Economist)
Vat prefers tanks to talk 4-course
Bible meal for Aug 22 |
Starting today, and then every Thursday DV, a reflection on the Sunday readings, to help us prepare for Sunday. Thank you Daniel Daring! Today's reflection: Joshua's Decision My
new grandson - Henry Isaac Too
short a time Shanghai
seminaries postpone Position
Vacant: University
in poor area of China needs "native English speaker" for Sep
2012 !
Vatican II Reflection 240 |
Video Take
and drink....not intinct US:
not enough new priests Peru
university dispute: Allegory
of journalistic decline Bible meal for August
Vatican II Reflection 241
W: Daily Blog - August 24 Special welcome this past week to many new readers from The Philippines. If you know of anyone in The Philippines who'd like to be a weekly blogger for this website, please contact |
Saturday August 25 Remembering Jesus: Yesterday I saw someone reading
CardDolan@Republican.Con Chinese
cardinal who considered cancer "a blessing" dies in Taiwan
II Reflection 241 |
More bloggers wanted!
Bp Bill
Morris |
Bloggers' archives |
16 Documents of V2 |
Current bloggers |
Previous bloggers |
Kung's letter to bishops |
priests: reassess new translation |
say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men |
To publish an article on this site please contact
Fr John Wotherspoon:
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching was
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932.
Note: counter at top + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this
main/index page.
Visits to other pages are not recorded. July
2012 full statisticsords all visits
Weekly Archive of main page menus