Vatican II  Catholic                              A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II                    Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!

"Reform of the reform" agenda     (at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top, not bottom,  of this page)
A reader in England: "This website saves me a lot of time. Thank you for your daily menu of interesting articles"
A reader in Australia: "I like your 7-day format. On most sites, items are removed too soon"

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!    Statcounter

DV  New articles 7 days a week
 to encourage people who are trying to keep the vision
 of Vat II alive in an increasingly anti-Vat II climate

Sunday June 24
Feast of Birth of John the Baptist
Elizabeth Harrington (Leader)

The Reinvention of the Fisherman
Part Two
David Timbs 
(Sunday blogger from Australia)
The rise of the monarchical papacy;
Newman re infallibility;
Ratzinger's redefinition of the papacy

For more info re the above issues, David recommends:
Ambrose Mong Ih-Ren OP
“The Liberal Spirit of John Henry Newman”, Ecumenical Trends, especially pp 5-15

Are church investigation procedures 
really just?
(1998 Doctrine & Life)
Fr Ladislas Orsy SJ (ACP)
"The judicial procedures of the Regulations are entirely of human composition. They are not rooted in any  tradition: they are the product of post-Tridentine defensive policies"

Good News story:
Theology behind bars
Kerry Weber (America)
Not "bars" as in "pub"
but as in "prison"!

What Assisi has lost
Austen Ivereigh (America)
Why Assisi III fell flat.  Pope & Curia avoided term "Spirit of Assisi" because this term is now in same
 "needs re-interpreting" folder
 as "spirit of Vatican II"

China's Hilarion
Gianni Valente
Russian Orthodoxy in China

Rio 2012 snuffs out Rio 1992
George Monbiot
Just like B16 snuffing out Vat II !

Vatican's transparency test
John Allen (NCR)
Anything to do with Gospel?

Philadelphia priest in prison after trial
Maryclaire Dale
(Huff Post)

This week's smile 
For John the Baptist's Nativity!

Vatican II  Reflection 181

Weapons of mass destruction - No!

Bible Plan: June 24
 Birth of John the Baptist

John W:  Daily Blog - June 24
John the Jumper


If any dear readers would like to 
recommend for this menu
an article you have seen somewhere
on the internet, please contact John 

June 25

Civil & Ecclesiastical Disobedience
Brian Lewis
(Monday blogger from Australia)
Listening carefully does not rule out dissent, which may be morally justified depending on the strength of the reasons supporting it

Year of Faith:
Vatican's plans/hymn/calendar
Cindy Wooden
For Oct 11 Mass, Pope has invited as concelebrants
bishops and theologians who
 like himself, served as members or experts at the 1962-65 
Second Vatican Council.
See comment: 
"Will Hans Kung be among the theologians invited to concelebrate with the Pope?"

See also comment by John W

Vat's Year of Faith new website
This site gives the Catechism 
(a Scripturally flawed document)
 the same status as the  documents of Vatican II. Site is also like a royal celebration of the  papacy
 with the pope as king.
David Timbs:
 Reinvention of the Fisherman

Site even has a suggestion box:
SUGGEST EVENT: Suggestion form only for Bishops' Conferences, Movements and Associations !

Fortnight for Freedom
Richard Rohr: 
US bishops are like
 "Republican Party at prayer"

Suffering lays out path to new life
for Church
Fr George McLean OMI
"A quite new level of cooperation between a set of leading Catholic research clusters promises to be a reason for hope for all in the church"

US priests' June assembly
"Vatican II lives!"

 Vatican II  Reflection 182
Arms race an evil road

Bible plan:
June 25
If I help the poor and weak,
God will help me when I'm sick

 John W:  Daily Blog - June 25
Fr Joseph Mallin SJ, son of 
executed Ireland Easter Rising 
leader Michael Mallin

Black Caviar just made it!
SMH report (she's 5, not 3!)
Guardian report (her time not fast)
She tore muscles - therefore slow
(Great photo: pat from Queen!)

Tuesday June 26

Eucharist and Dialogue
Martin Mallon
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
"Would Jesus talk to ACP?" !

Martin recommends this excellent article from
Healing our rotten State from within
Stephen J. Costello
"It is the spiritual dimension that urgently needs to be tapped into,  where inner riches and vast resources of the Irish spirit lie dormant. Therein lies our strength. And the solution.


Vatican hires US spin doctor:
VI report
Andrea Tornielli

 Guardian report
John Hooper
Notice Bertone missing from meeting. About to get axe?
c.f. Rumors  once again re 
Card George Pell about to be mailed  to top Vat post office
Brian Coyne (Catholica)

Italy - Religious Illiteracy:
 Need for adult education
Sandro Magister
Reader: Lots of interesting things to say about faith, culture, various forms of indifferentism, clan/tribal faith and inculturated practice. It also highlights what is most alarming for B 16 and the Curia namely the sharp decline in female practice. The study also proposes that an almost exclusive focus of Church resources on the youth is unwise and ultimately ineffectual. Where have they been? 

Vic sex abuse inquiry:
Hell on Earth
(The Age)
Michael Short, Judy Courtin
Reader: The disaster grows
 in scope and magnitude

Book Review - John W
Mary Laven: Mission to China
Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit Encounter with the East
Dr Laven's treatment of Ricci
is like B16's treatment of Vat II

Melbourne: Next Mass July 1
Inclusive Catholics

Vatican II  Reflection 183
International outlook

Bible plan: June 26
Label on our hearts: Made-in-Christ

John W:   Daily Blog - June 26
Meal was happier because....

June 20
Today is World Refugee Day

Morning Prayer Poem
Chris McDonnell 
(Wednesday blogger from UK)

The Good Sisters and Schism
Nicholas P. Cafardi
A brilliant comparison between
the Vat's jilted lover’s pursuit of SSPX  & Vat’s treatment of LCWR
See John W's comment

Vatican, LCWR & Dialogue
Sr Clare Condon SGS (Good Oil)
Follow Paul VI & St Benedict

Letter to Church from a Gen X-er
Alice Priest (Good Oil)

Sex sells, but sells out our children
 Melinda Reist  
Please click  Good Oil
 to access this article

Vatileaks: Bertone says
"No dispute between clerics"

Andrea Tornielli (VI)

The Mendacity of Hope
George Monbiot
Rio earth summit a tragic failure

3 Commission cardinals all 80+
Alessandro Speciale
Reader: "Wheelchair detectives"

Cardinal's outfit: cost list
Model: Card R. Burke 

The Subversion of Vatican II
Bro Louis De Thomasis FSC
(Huff Post)
"those of us who believe in the vision of Vatican II cannot back down from speaking the truth as we see it"
See John W's comment

Good news story:
A little for some is a lot for others
Chris Hansen (CAM)
Would that every parish did this...

Vatican II  Reflection 177
Religion and politics!

Bible plan: June 20
Today's plan a rich menu!

John W: Daily Blog - June 20
A true story for Refugee Day

Over the past week,  this website has had many new readers. Welcome!

I hope you can continue to check this site each day....and please encourage others to do the same. 
John W

June 21

APC slams Dolan report
Dolan report getting APC 
& Irish bishops to embrace?!
And see comment No. 26:
Dolan's seminary ordained only one diocesan priest  this year, and his first Mass was a traditional Latin Mass

Update re Dolan report reaction
David Gibson (NCR)
Maybe Pope should get 
"wheelchair detectives" to check who leaked what re Dolan report?!
The way to lobby in today's Church:
l e a k ! 

Syria expels Italian Jesuit

Deborah Amos
"I will stay faithful to nonviolence, 
but I won't be astonished that violence brings violence in reaction"

Churches should be more
ecologically sensitive
Fr Sean McDonagh SSC
Reflection for current Rio Summit 
Alternative Summit website
The Mendacity of Hope
George Monbiot 

Preparatory document
for the next Synod of Bishops

Alessandro Speciale
Addressing secular relativism on the outside is fine as long as the internal version is examined first.
 This is not happening

"Celebrating" World Refugee Day
Kevin Clarke (America)
World's largest refugee resettlement agency is US Bishops' Conference

HK: 15th Anniversary not happy
And a more serious reason !
John W (in June 20 Ming Pao)
In praise of Singapore and Asia
Mungo Maccallum
Europe, America, Japan, Australia 
  are in decline .... victims of
  a long bout of overindulgence

Vatican  II  Reflection 178
Christians must be peace-sowers

Bible Plan for June 21
Young woman puts Pope on spot

John W:  Daily Blog - June 21
"When the boat comes in" !

June 22

What is the "Real" meaning
 of Compassion?
Bill Mulcahy
(Friday blogger from Australia)
Action rather than feeling...

Communion for the remarried
James Roberts (Tablet Blog)
-see comment by John W

G20 is also about food security
Jack De Groot (Eureka Street)
A billion people hungry every day

UK Nuncio: lay involvement 
is the answer to vocations crisis
(Tablet) Yes... then go just one step further and ordain those lay leaders
(Nuncio might get into trouble
 for straying from the party line?)

A new candidate for next pope
John Allen (NCR)
Fernando Filoni (HK 1992 - 2001)
c.f. Interview re China

Andrea Tornielli

South Sudan refugee crisis
Medecins Sans Frontieres
I have sent a donation

Herranz an experience inquisitor
It’ll be a race to see who gets a book out first, Dan Brown or George Weigel! Either way, the product will be doggerel

Vatican II  Reflection 179
Suffocate terrorism 

Bible plan: June 22
How to make Vatican"wall" fall !

John W:   Daily Blog - June 22
Young drug offenders

From article above, Communion for the Remarried,  by James Roberts:
As a convert, I have many fond memories of my RCIA class,
 but the worst - recalled with horror still - is of a married couple being told, just before Easter, that they could not be received, because their circumstances - a divorce history - would not permit it. We had talked and prayed with them since the previous October. We belonged together. And they slunk away into the night - a bit like the rich man turning down Christ's invitation, but not in this case through their own volition but instead because they had been rejected by the place to which Christ had brought them.

June 23
 Dragon Boat Festival,
Summer/Winter Solstice!
(see Daily Blog, below)

Opportunity for Irish renewal
Tablet Editorial
Reflection on Eucharistic Congress

Doesn't anyone around here
know how to run a church?
Eugene Kennedy
Eugene's take on the Vatican's 
welcoming of SSPX and unwelcoming of LCWR

Meet one of the most influential Catholics in the world
Robert Mickens
Full article from the Tablet

Letters Extra (Tablet)
Usual very interesting letters

When smaller isn't better
Ken Briggs (NCR)
No good circling the wagons

Jesus had brief nervous breakdown
Jill Hamilton meets
 Fr Jerome Murphy-O’Connor OP
(Catholic Herald UK)

Paul the Pastor
Fr Jerome Murphy-O’Connor OP
How to pastor from a distance

Vatican anti-money laundering law

Andrea Tornielli
Reader: Vat 'transparency laws'?

Vatilileaks: too many quetions unanswered dear Bertone
Marco Tosatti
Strong article by experienced hand

The Perilous Pill
Dr Lanfranchi (Life Issues)
Latest side-effects update

Vatican II Reflection 180
When is it ok to go to war?

Bible plan: June 23
When a bishop criticized the pope

John W:  Daily Blog -June 23
Dragon Boat Festival!

UK: Saturday afternoon June 23
Black Caviar !!!

Wishing all dear readers
a Happy Pentecost Season!


Many thanks  for checking
 this website each day


Calendar      (any more items?):

July 16-20  Australia: 
National Council of Priests meeting

More bloggers wanted!
  From all parts of the world!
Please contact John


Let's encourage more people 
to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA.
How can a Catholic agency 
publish such blatant lies?
Censorship and lies....all the more need for websites like v2catholic

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM

 Bp Bill Morris   
Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

        Bloggers' previous articles

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal

Hazel of Old Windsor    Inigo Joachim      Brian Lewis  

    Judith Lynch      Martin Mallon     Chris McDonnell

 Bill Mulcahy        Des O'Donnell

David Timbs      Peter Wilkinson      John Wotherspoon

Hans Kung's letter to bishops
(the best description of what's happening)

Priests say 9 Masses a day....need to ordain married men

Making do with a faulty translation

Irish priests using 1998 ICE - not new translation

Fr J. Ratzinger's writings on V2

Open letter to US bishops re new translation

Why are women not being 
ordained to the priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact Fr John Wotherspoon:  
Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Bible plan 2012   V2 Reflections
John's main site:  

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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