Vatican II  Catholic                              A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II                    Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!

"Reform of the reform" agenda     (at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top, not bottom,  of this page)

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!    Statcounter

DV  new articles each day to encourage people 
who are trying to keep the vision of V2 alive 
in an increasingly anti-V2 climate

April 29

Open season on US religious women
David Timbs

c.f. John Allen's update (NCR)

Update re April 29 Irish vigil
Vatican Insider
Ap 29: vigil for silenced priests

Ireland: update re Fr Brian Darcy

John W's Daily Blog: April 29
My heart is in Dublin today

The story of my interfaith family
Huff Post
Good example for multi-faith cultures

Catholic Democrats criticize bishops
for "politicizing the faith"

Worcestor Telegram

Israel: Methodists consider divesting

China: blind activist case background
Jonathan Watts

Conception to birth: 10 min video by Nobel Peace prize winner

V2 Reflection 126
Sorrow & death lose their sting

Bible Plan: April 29
Readings for 4th Sun of Easter

This week's smile is up
-under calendar on right of this page
..... for Good
Shepherd Sunday

At bottom of this page, at RevolverMaps box, click bottom right silver button  to see this.  Then click silver bar under "number of visits" for any country to check visit locations. Then click new silver bar  under "number of visits" to check locations within locations.
Dublin holds lead in Ireland.
Stoke-on-Trent holds lead in UK

 Monday April 30

The primacy of conscience
Brian Lewis
& see links to Brian's previous articles published elsewhere

"For many" or "for all"?
Vatican Insider

Full text of Pope's letter

 "Benedict criticised for saying 
"for all" is better than "for many"

John W's Daily Blog: April 30 
I will keep using "for all"!

Communion - both kinds the norm
Bishop Patrick McGrath
(The Deacon's Bench)

Vatican vs USA nuns:

We are all nuns
Nicholas Kristof
(New York Times)

Resurrection, sisters, people power
Nicole Sotelo

2007 speech by Sr Laurie Brink O.P

2008 speech by Sr Laurie

 A friend to the homeless
Paul Dobbyn
(Catholic Leader)

V2 Reflection 127

A family spirit

Bible plan: April 30
Miriam: patron saint of complainers 

May 1
Chinese Joseph the Worker


Vatican abuse of power?
Martin Mallon
A new blogger - welcome!

Report on Ap 29 vigil
Seán McCárthaigh

Irish Examiner

US bishops 1995 discussion topics
Des O'Donnell o.m.i.
Association Irish Priests

Censoring of Brian Darcy
Jimmy McPhillips
Association  Irish Priests

Dialogue in Church
Malcolm Reville
Association Irish Priests

Possible future Church
Jo O'Sullivan
Association Irish Priests

Ireland: Program for May 7 gathering
Association Irish Priests

Interviews with Bishop Geoffrey Robinson

Has "real" Ratzinger" come out to play? (NCR)
John Allen


Vat vs USA nuns:

How to spank a nun
Mark Morford
San Francisco Gate

NY Times 2 features

V2 Reflection 128
Love makes world go round

Bible plan: May 1
Scroll down to 
Joseph the Worker

John W's Daily Blog:
May 1
May Day thoughts

May 2

Crowd at Fr Darcy's Mass
Greg Harkin 
(Independent ie)

Ap 29 vigil protest
Vatican Insider report

Bp Robinson interview:
Communication dynamite
Brian Coyne

Austria update
Christa Pongratz-Lippitt

Vatican vs USA nuns:

Rome vs sisters
Marian Ronan
(RD Magazine)
Most interesting history

2 nuns who resisted & won
Robert McClory (NCR)
Théodore Guérin &
Mary MacKillop

The amazing year of grace
Fr John Ryan

Anglican Church bun fight
Giorgio Bernardelli
(Vatican Insider)

June 2-3: one million for Pope's Milan Masses
Andrea Tornelli
(Vatican Insider)

Assisi spirit in Sarajevo
Giacomo Galeazzi
(Vatican Insider)

Wikipedia founder
praises John XXIII letter

USA: Tutu invitation row
Rowan Philp
(Times Live)

V2 Reflection 129

Bible plan: May 2
Mormons & Romans


John W's Daily Blog: May 2
A NY Times Bestseller

Have you seen comments
at bottom of this article ?

Thursday April 26

Why are women not being 
ordained to the priesthood?
Fr John Shea  O.S.A., Boston
This is "taking a stand"!


Vatican vs USA nuns:

Why are we not surprised?
Robert McClory (NCR)

Who will watch the watchmen?
Eugene Kennedy (NCR)

In LCWR oversight, 
key questions remain 
Joshua McElwee (NCR)

2012-02-29dysfunctional.jpg (26668 bytes)

From Michael Mullins'  Feb 26 article in Eureka Street)

Pope: responsible tourism
Vatican Insider

V2 Reflection 123
How to regard atheism

Bible Plan for April 26
 The Cloud = The Holy Spirit

John W's Daily Blog:  April 26
Finding a good husband

April 27

Amaka ga Spiritus 
Bill Mulcahy 
A plan to help Uganda

Address of Fr Robert McCulloch
on receiving Pakistan award
Columbans website

The Vatican and the LCWR
Phyllis Zagano

The Liturgy's Titanic moment
Carmel Pilcher

China: update re Ap 25 new bishop
Vatican Insider

 Ireland- Assn of Catholic priests:

April  29: vigil for silenced priests
- see John W's comment, no. 3

Church is  in deep crisis
Nessan Vaughan

A view from the pew Jo O'Sullivan

Focus on faith binds us Brian Darcy

Priests won't break Confession seal
Independent ie

V2 Reflection 124 
 Most Communists are not  Communist 

Bible plan: April 27
Trumpets remind us of .....?

John W's Daily Blog:  April 27
Four items from yesterday

Saturday April 28

Good Shepherds
Judith Lynch
A beautiful reflection for parents

Sophia women
Judith Lynch

 Another Irish priest censored
Independent ie (Brian Darcy
 - his article on yesterday's menu!)

Vat silences Irish priests
Michael Kelly (NCR)

What will Rome do about dissent?
Vatican Insider

The embattled "deacon" words
John Collins
For lots of material re deacons,
Google "diaconate, john n collins"

Simplifying sex
Jo McGowan

A losing strategy
Margaret Steinfels

Schools confront the globalisation
 of superficiality
(Eureka Street)
Bishop Greg O'Kelly S.J.

Pope's Opus Dei troubleshooter
Tom Kington
Problem is not leaks, but corruption?)

V2 Reflection 125
Faith gives us energy

Bible plan: April 28
Mark's angry Jesus

John W's Daily Blog: April 28

Today is Buddha's Birthday!

Happy Easter Season
 to all dear readers! 
Many thanks  for checking
 this website each day

Calendar      (any more items?):

May 3  Sydney:
Free public lecutre - New Media
Australian Catholic Media Congress

May 6 Melbourne: 
10.30am Eucharist at Ashburton

June 10-17  Ireland:
Eucharistic Congress

June 11-14  USA:
Priests Association meeting

July 16-20  Australia: 
National Council of Priests meeting

This week's smile
(updated April 29)
...for Good Shepherd Sunday

Let's encourage more people 
to see 1-7  re Bishop Bill Morris
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report

3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM

 Bp Bill Morris   
Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

Bloggers' previous articles

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal

Hazel of Old Windsor         Brian Lewis           

Judith Lynch       Bill Mulcahy       David Timbs

Peter Wilkinson          John Wotherspoon

Hans Kung's letter to bishops
(the best description of what's happening)

Priests say 9 Masses a day....need to ordain married men

Making do with a faulty translation

Irish priests using 1998 ICE - not new translation

Fr J. Ratzinger's writings on V2

Open letter to US bishops re new translation
Anthony Ruff

To publish an article on this site  please contact Fr John Wotherspoon:  
Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Bible plan 2012   V2 Reflections
John's main site:  

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching
  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012.  Previous visits 4,932.
Note: counter at top + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this main/index page.
Visits to other pages are not recorded.   March  2012 full statistics            Weekly Archive of main page menus

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