II Catholic
A forum to promote and defend the vision of
Vatican II
articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!
"Reform of the reform" agenda
(at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top,
not bottom, of this page)

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!
DV new articles each day to encourage people
who are trying to keep the vision of V2 alive
in an increasingly anti-V2 climate
and the compulsive mind Vatican
II as I experienced it Christians
oppressed by Syrian rebels A
chance to heal unholy wounds
John W's Daily
Blog: April 22 Have you checked this? |
Monday April 23
Conscience as wisdom of the heart Brian Lewis
Korea: Church's Asian Tiger Why
is Rome-SSPX deal on hold? South
China Sea conflict coming? Bible
plan: April 23 |
Tuesday April 24 BlogWatcher Climate
change a life issue for poor HK
Card Tong's hopes re China Benedict's
obsession to help SSPX USA:
vocations boom (?)
Bap; 2 Confirm; 3 Euch - why? Tribute
to "gentleman" Gold medalist V2 Reflection
Bible plan: April 24 |
Wednesday April 25 ANZAC Day Vatican vs USA nuns: Nuns
bucked by papal bulls When
did nuns become bad guys? Sudan
& South Sudan close to war Victorian sex abuse inquiry:
Thursday April 19 Catholic
priests: revolution boiling? Benedict
like a sledge-hammer? New
documentary re Oscar Romero Holocaust
Day- moving reflection Diocese:
to re-think boundaries "Dear
Joe" (Catholica)
Reflection 116 Bible
Plan for April 19 John
W's Daily Blog: April 19 |
began in Cameroon, in 1908 Curia
stifling debate on renewal On his return from gunfight Vat:
protect conscientious objection New
bishop has Rome & Beijing ok France:
C'n political indifference? USA:
Partisan dangers V2 Reflection 117
plan: April 20 John
W's Daily Blog: April 20 |
Saturday April 21 Closed Doors When
Catholics dropped Bible Vatican vs USA nuns: Victorian sex abuse inquiry: V2 Reflection 118 Readers who have been following the Flag Counter
statistics at the bottom of this page will have noticed |
Happy Easter Season
This week's smile
Bp Bill
Morris |
Bloggers' previous articles |
16 Documents of V2 |
Hazel of Old Windsor
Brian Lewis |
Kung's letter to bishops |
say 9 Masses a day....need to ordain married men |
To publish an article on this site please contact
Fr John Wotherspoon:
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching was
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932.
Note: counter at top + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this
main/index page.
Visits to other pages are not recorded. March
2012 full statistics
Weekly Archive of main page menus