II Catholic
A forum to promote and defend the vision of
Vatican II
articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!
"Reform of the reform" agenda
(at request of a USA reader - "let more people see it" - this file now at top,
not bottom, of this page)

Check map & flag counter at bottom of page!
DV new articles each day to encourage people
who are trying to keep the vision of V2 alive
in an increasingly anti-V2 climate
Sunday April 15 The
People of God? Responding
in conscience Listen
to the people Card
Ratzinger wanted Italian pope Pope
and SSPX to sign agreement? John W's Daily
Blog: April 15 |
Monday April 16 Conscience
as judgment The
godless delusion Priestly
ministry today The
Vatican and the faithful Austria:
Martha's Mass SSPX
- the last call? Reflection
for Divine Mercy Sunday Bible
plan: April 16 |
Tuesday April 17 Christ:
truth will set us free Priests
support silenced colleague Philip
Adams vs Dawkinsonians Full text of Sri
Lanka: compulsory Communion on a kneeling tongue in Colombo Priest
should not face the people Bishops
and liturgy Belgian
bishop: ordain married men Tiny
Estonia is internet giant V2 Reflection
Bible plan: April 17 |
Wednesday April 11 Silencing
the revolution The
role of women in Church Easter
tale of Sabbath economics Dying
priest's last sermon Say
"No" to Syria intervention Taking
a stand |
Thursday April 12 The
road to Emmaus Ominous divide in Church Statement
by Association of Catholic Priests (Ireland;
800 members) Vatican
Insider report re above
Lama: Gay
lobby in Vatican?
Reflection 109 Bible
Plan for April 12 John
W's Daily Blog: April 12 |
a difference
& the never ending story Austria
"rebellion" update: no diktat Pope
doesn't like Neocat Mass V2 Reflection
plan: April 13 John
W's Daily Blog: April 13 |
Saturday April 14
TV Debate Comment
on yesterday's blog Ireland - Catholic survey report: After
near death experience, USA A
voice of healing and trust Traditional
Catholicism is winning V2 Reflection 111 |
Happy Easter Season
This week's smile
Bp Bill
Morris |
Bloggers' previous articles |
16 Documents of V2 |
Hazel of Old Windsor
Brian Lewis |
Kung's letter to bishops |
say 9 Masses a day....need to ordain married men |
To publish an article on this site please contact
Fr John Wotherspoon:
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching was
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932.
Note: counter at top + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this
main/index page.
Visits to other pages are not recorded. March
2012 full statistics