A voice for the poor
by HK prison chaplain 胡頌恆神父
Jesus Centre 187 Temple St Jordan
Fr John Wotherspoon
+852 67095674
Pope Francis
Tues Feb 25
Hello from St Paul's Retreat Centre in Sheung Shui where I'm attending the monthly O.M.I. meeting. Before arriving yesterday afternoon I went to nearby Lo Wu prison to hand in many items. After the meeting finishes with lunch today I'm due to go to the Indonesian Consulate for a sharing to warn domestic helpers about the danger of being tricked to collect or deliver parcels of drugs
Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
10-11: The
Israelites yet again served false gods,
and once more they were oppressed,
this time by the Ammonites. The
Israelites appealed to Jephthah to help them.
Jephthah was the son of a prostitute.
His brothers had driven him from home
and would not give him a share of their father's inheritance. Jephthah
went into exile and became a famous soldier. Jephthah
agreed to help the Israelites
after they agreed to make him their future leader. Jephthah
tried to reason with the Ammonite king,
but the king refused to negotiate a peace agreement. The spirit
of the Lord then came on Jephthah
and he led the Israelites to victory over the Ammonites.
Dear Lord, may
your Holy Spirit give courage to all leaders
recording of this reading
47-48: All peoples, clap your hands, cry to God with
shouts of joy.
For the Lord, our Creator, we must love and honor,
great king over all the earth. Especially in his holy city is the Lord worthy
to be praised.
Praise is fitting in Mount Sion, our earth's most sacred site. O God, as we pray in your temple,
our hearts meditate on your love. May peoples and rulers everywhere
acknowledge and love you as Creator of the Universe
Let all the peoples praise you, Lord. Let all the peoples praise you
Acts 14.8-18: In
Lycaonia, there was a man who had never
walked in his life, because his feet were crippled from birth. As he listened to Paul preaching, Paul noticed
him and saw that he had the faith to be cured. Paul said in a loud voice "Get to your
feet! Stand up!"
The crippled man jumped up and began to walk. The local people thought that Paul and
Barnabas must be gods, so Paul said to them "We are only human beings
like you. We have come with Good News to help you turn from empty idols to
the living God who made heaven and earth. It is he who sends you rain and
who makes your crops grow"
help people turn away from idol
18.18-23: A young man from a prominent family asked
Jesus "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus replied "You know the commandments:
you must not commit adultery, you must not kill, you must not steal, you
must honor your father and mother". The man answered "I have kept all these
commandments all my life". Jesus then said "There is still one
higher goal: sell all you own,
give the money to the poor, then come follow me". But when the man heard this he was very sad, because he was very
Jesus, please help me follow you the way you
want me to follow you
Reflection: Mother Teresa is an example of someone called to "a higher goal" ... she went from working in a school for middle class students to working for the poor
Recent nights in HK have got colder as the night has
progressed .... a new blanket added every couple of hours!
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Sun: Africa
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East
Thurs: S.E. Asia,
Frid: South
Sat: Cent, N America
today, Tuesday,
please bless the people of
And praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
On this 25th
the month, Jesus please bless the people of Ningxia
And praying for one of
the world's poorest countries
each day of the month:
On this 25th of the month, Jesus please
bless the people of Lesotho
And praying for one
Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Tuesday,
please pacify Boko
Mon Feb 24
Yesterday two members of the MercyHK team - Jocelyn and Shirley -
joined me for a sharing at nearby Kowloon Methodist Church, as part of the
church's annual Social Service Sunday. The whole service is here,
with our sharing starting at 40.12. Sharing about MercyHK's service for street
sleepers. God bless KMC for their most kind invitation! As preparation for the
service I watched this most informative
Man Who
Saved England and read John
Wesley's Social Conscience
Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
9: Gideon had seventy sons
by his wives and concubines.
One of his sons was Abimelech, son of a concubine. Abimelech became king
after murdering all but one
of his 70 half-brothers.
The half-brother who escaped was Jotham. Abimelech ruled over
Israel for 3 years.
Then God sent a spirit of discord
between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem. The leaders of Shechem
rebelled against Abimelech.
Abimelech started attacking and destroying their towns. Abimelech besieged the
town of Thebez.
The people of the town took refuge in a tower. When Abimelech tried to
set fire to the tower,
a woman in the tower threw down a large rock
which crushed Abimelech's head.
Abimelech got his armor-bearer to kill him with a sword,
so that no one could say he was killed by a woman.
Lord, please stop evil people from hurting other people
recording of this reading
46: (c.f.
famous hymn by Martin Luther "A Mighty Fortress is our
God", and also the hymn "Be Still and Know that I am
God is for us a refuge and strength,
in time of distress he is a helper close at hand. Therefore we shall not fear even though the
earth should rock,
even though the mountains fall into the sea. The Lord of hosts is with us.
The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Come and consider the works of the Lord
and always remember his words: "Be still and know that I am God".
Lord, help us to be more aware
of your presence,
especially when we are in trouble
Acts 14.1-7: Paul and Barnabas went to another city,
Iconium. As usual, their first stop was the local Jewish prayer hall. Many
Jews became believers, as did many non-Jewish people. During their stay in
Iconium, Paul and
Barnabas preached fearlessly for the Lord. And the Lord supported them by
allowing miracles to be worked by them. But their success again aroused opposition,
and they were in danger of being stoned. So they went to Lycaonia and
preached the Good News there
Jesus, please help Gospel workers by allowing
miracles to be worked by them
18.15-17: People brought little children to Jesus, for
him to bless them. The disciples told the people to go away and not bother
Jesus. But Jesus called the children to him and said
"Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such
as these that the kingdom of God belongs. I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the
kingdom of God like a little child, will never enter it"
Jesus, please give all children the chance to
know and love you
Reflection: Jesus loves us from our earliest days
because of my poor Cantonese, I did not know until after yesterday's service at
the Kowloon Methodist Church that the service was live on the internet!
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East
Thurs: S.E. Asia,
Frid: South America
Sat: Cent, N. America
today, Monday,
please bless the people of Europe
& Russia
praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
this 24th of
the month, Jesus please bless the people of Inner
praying for one of the
world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 24th
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Djibouti
And praying for one Islam-related intention
each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Monday,
please pacify I.S.
Sun Feb 23
Yesterday morning MercyHK case worker Lucia Leung attended the
blessing of the recently relocated Catholic
Diocese Centre for Ethnic Minorities, now in Temple Street not far from
MercyHK's canteen!
sale - items made in prison!
Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
c.f. readings for Sunday 7
Samuel 20-24: Jonathan
again tried to help David make peace with Saul. But Saul was full of anger and
just wanted to kill David. David then became a nomad, roaming from place to
place, continually pursued by Saul's soldiers. David once had a chance to kill
Saul but David refused to kill him. David said: "Saul is the anointed one
of the Lord. It is wrong for me to hurt him." Even
though Saul hated and hunted David, David respected and protected Saul.
Dear God, when other people treat me unkindly, please help me to be kind to
them, as David was kind to Saul
recording of this reading
103: My soul, give thanks to the
Lord. All my being, bless his holy name. My soul, give thanks to the Lord and
never forget all his blessings. It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals
every one of your ills. It is he who fills your life with good things, renewing
your youth like an eagle's life. The
Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. As the
heavens are high above the earth so strong is his love for those who love him.
As far as the East is from the West, so far does he remove our sins. As a father
has compassion on his children, the Lord has pity on all who love and honor him.
Give thanks to the Lord, all his angels, who heed the voice of his word. Give
thanks to the Lord, everyone and everything. My soul, give thanks to the Lord!
Thank you, Lord, for your love and compassion
6.27-38: Jesus
said to the people "Love your enemies. Do good to people who hate you. Pray
for people who are unkind to you. Treat others as you would like them to
treat you. Be compassionate as your heavenly Father is compassionate. Do not
judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be
condemned. Grant pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and there will be gifts
for you. The amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back".
Jesus, bless ....(name)....who was unkind to me
Reflection on the above readings: Unforgiveness is bad for our health. It plays a major part in the 80% of our sicknesses which have a psycho-somatic aspect. As the Chinese saying puts it: "All sickness starts in the heart"
Reflection by Fr Peter: English Chinese
commentary on today's readings - in Italian, Chinese, English, and
Cantonese audio)
of Love HK radio program 8.00
pm HK time tonight
- with items about HK prison inmates
were 19 of us at yesterday's Mass for healing at the Dr Jesus Centre ... with a
birthday cake after Mass for one of the group. A very special gathering.
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Sun: Africa
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East
Thurs: S.E. Asia,
Fri: South America
Sat: Cent., N America
today, Sunday,
please bless the people of
And praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
On this 23rd
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Guangxi
And praying for one of the
world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 23rd of the month, Jesus
please bless the people of Togo
And praying for one Islam-related
intention each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Sunday,
please bless all Muslims in my country
Sat Feb 22
MercyHK canteen in Temple Street is open as usual today, after
being closed yesterday for repairs to the air conditioning system
of thousands in Myanmar scam compounds (... including 3,000
from Ethiopia). Maybe some clever person can use AI to put the scammers out
of business?!
Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
8: After Gideon defeated
all the enemies of the Israelites,
the Israelites asked him to be their ruler. He replied: "It is
not I who shall rule over you, nor my son;
The Lord must be your ruler". After Gideon's death,
the people of Israel again began
to worship the local idols. They no longer remembered
the Lord who had so often rescued them. The people were also
ungrateful to Gideon's family
despite all the good deeds that family had done for Israel.
Lord, please don't let me ever become an ungrateful person
recording of this reading
42-45: Like a deer that longs for running streams,
so my soul is longing for you, my God. My soul is thirsting for you, the God of my
I think of you all the time, here in my land of exile. People make fun of us here in exile.
They taunt us saying "Where is your God?" Yet no matter what happens we will hope in you,
for you are our saviour and our God. No
matter where we are or what happens to us,
our hearts will long for you, like a bride longing for her groom.
Lord, no matter what happens,
may I always hope in you
13.13-52: Paul and Barnabas went to another Antioch,
Antioch in Pisidia.
Out of jealousy, the local Jewish leaders there stopped Paul from preaching to
the Jewish community. Paul and Barnabas then turned their attention to non-Jewish
people, and so the word of the Lord spread through the whole countryside. But the Jewish leaders kept up their campaign,
and had Paul and Barnabas expelled from Pisidia
Jesus, please don't let Gospel workers be
18.9-14: Some people prided themselves on being
virtuous, and despised others. Jesus told them this story: Two men went to the Temple to
pray, one a
religious leader, the other a social outcast. The leader stood there and said "I thank
you, God, that I am not greedy, unjust and adulterous like other people
such as this outcast here". The outcast did not even raise his eyes, but
beat his breast and said "God, be merciful to me, a sinner". The outcast, I tell you, went home a friend of
God. The leader did not. People who exalt themselves will be humbled.
People who humble themselves will be exalted
Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner
Maybe my memory is getting weaker, but this Winter
in HK seems longer than in previous years! Some people say Spring has begun but
Spring for me will be when people stop wearing heavy clothing!
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East Asia
Thurs: S.E. Asia, Pacific
Frid: South
Sat: Cent. & N
today, Saturday,
please bless the people of Central
& North America
praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
On this 22nd
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Zhejiang
And praying for one of the
world's poorest countries each day of the
On this 22nd
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Senegal
praying for one Islam-related intention
each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Saturday,
please pacify the
Fri Feb 21
Yesterday I was at Lai Chi Kok men's prison for 7 hours, spending
most of my time with new drug mule cases .... some from HK, some from other
places. I hope to help two of them apply for bail in the coming weeks.
Boycott Singapore and Singapore Airlines: Singapore
to execute man for 52grams of heroin
Jones: US
never had moral supremacy
Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
Judges 7: Gideon prepared to go
to war with the Midianites.
But God told him to reduce his number of soldiers. The army was told
"Let anyone who is frightened or fearful go home". 22,000 men went home;
10,000 stayed. The Lord said
there were still too many.
"So many men might cause Israel to claim that a victory
had nothing to do with the Lord".
So Gideon got the men to go to the river to drink. All those who lapped the water, like a
dog, he put on one side.
These numbered 300. The rest knelt down and used their
hands to drink.
These were sent home.
Gideon divided his 300 men into 3
groups, surrounding the Midianite camp. To each man he gave a horn and an empty
water container,
with a torch inside each container. In the middle of the night, they
They sounded their horns and smashed their containers,
holding a horn in their right hand and a torch in their left. The Midianites woke in terror,
thinking that the Israelites had a huge number of men. In their panic, the Midianites attacked
each other
as they fled the camp. The Israelites drove the Midianites
from the Israelite homeland.
God, thank you for the courage and leadership of Gideon
41: Blessed the person who helps the poor and the
He himself will be helped by the Lord when he is sick and in trouble. The Lord will help him on his bed of pain.
The Lord will bring him back from sickness to health.
Lord, please help me to do more
for the poor
Acts 13.1-3:
In the church at Antioch in Syria, the following were
prophets and teachers:
Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen and Paul. One day while they were offering worship to
the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said "I want Barnabas and Paul
set apart for the work to which I have called them". After fasting and prayer, the
leaders prayed for Barnabas and Paul with the laying on of hands and sent them off on a
missionary journey
Holy Spirit, help me be attentive to
your guidance
18.1-7: Jesus told his disciples a story about the
need to pray continually and never lose heart:
There was a judge who had neither fear of God nor respect for people. In
the same town there was a widow who kept asking the judge for justice
against someone who had wronged her. For a long time the judge refused to help her,
but at last he said to himself "I must give this widow her rights or
she will pester me to death". Even more so God will see that justice
is done for those who cry out to him for help day and night, even if he
delays to help them
Jesus, please give me the perseverance to pray
each day
Reflection: Sometimes God "delays to help" us (Gospel) ... just like parents sometimes delay giving something good (e.g. bicycle) to their children until children are ready to ride!
The guy holding torch and trumpet (Judges, image) ... has
he got them in correct hands?
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Sun: Africa
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East
Thurs: S.E. Asia, Pacific
Frid: S.
Sat: Cent, N. America
today, Friday,
please bless the people of South
And praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
On this 21st
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Yunnan
And praying for one of the
world's poorest countries each day of the
On this 21st of the month, Jesus please bless the
people of Afghanistan
And praying for one Islam-related
intention each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Friday,
please bless all Muslims
Thu Feb 20
Simple Bible: Gospel,
the 4 Gospels in one continuous story, especially for prisoners, is now at the
final proof reading stage and almost ready to be printed. Please God it will be
printed by the end of this month
to remain in hospital (maybe time has come to retire?)
Historical photos from Zhaoqing, when I was working at the
Canadian American School:
May 16,
2002 - Watermelon classes
The Book Blog:
readings + recordings
Readings are from
Simple Bible
Judges 4-6:
After Sisera's forces
were defeated,
the land enjoyed peace for 40 years. But then the Israelites
again lapsed into idolatry,
and so they were oppressed by the Midianites for 7 years. The Lord then raised up
Gideon to rescue the people. Following the Lord's
Gideon at night time destroyed the altar to Baal
in his father's house. When the Midianites
heard what Gideon had done,
they prepared to attack the Israelites. The spirit of the Lord
came on Gideon
and he rallied the Israelites.
Gideon asked for a sign
of success in battle,
and said to the Lord: "See now, I
spread out a fleece of wool on the ground;
tomorrow morning, if there is dew only on the fleece
and not on the surrounding ground,
then I know you will deliver Israel by my hand". And so it happened the
next morning:
the ground was dry but the fleece was drenched with dew.
Gideon asked for a
second sign,
requesting that the fleece be dry but the ground covered with dew. And God did what Gideon
the fleece stayed dry, and there was dew on the ground
Lord, thank you for hearing Gideon's prayer
(and please bless the work of the Gideon Society
which puts Bibles in hotels around the world!)
Psalm 40: I waited, I waited for the Lord and he
stooped down to me.
He heard my cry. He saved me from distress.
He put fresh hope into my heart. How many, O Lord my God, are the times you
have helped me.
They are too many for me to describe. My God, in the depth of my heart I delight in
your law.
You do not want external offerings.
You want my heart.
Lord, I offer you my heart, my
love. You deserve all my love
12.20-23: Wearing his robes of state and sitting on a
throne, King Herod made a speech to the leaders of Tyre and Sidon. People
acclaimed him saying "It is a god speaking, not a man!" At that moment, the angel of the Lord struck
him down, because he had not given the glory to
God. He was eaten away
with worms and died
Jesus, please help us remember that all our
talents are a gift from you. "Not to us, Lord, but to your name be
the glory"
Luke 17.11-19:
On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus entered a village where 10 lepers came
to meet him. They stood at a distance and called out "Jesus, Master, take pity on us!"
Jesus said to them "Go and show yourselves to the priests".
As they went away, their leprosy disappeared.
Seeing that he was healed, one of them turned back praising God at the
top of his voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him.
This made Jesus say "Were not all 10 healed? Where are the 9
Jesus, please don't let me forget to say "thank you" when someone helps me
Reflection: Words like "thank you " and "sorry" seem to be going out of fashion in some parts of today's world?
days ago I went with one of my bail cases to West Kowloon Court for a
"mention" hearing. We waited 3 hours for the two minute hearing ...
with the next hearing set for .. April 1 (not a joke!)
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day, especially for the leaders of that area:
Thurs: S.E. Asia, Pacific
today, Thursday,
please bless
the people of
And praying for one
part of the Mainland each day of the month:
On this 20th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of
And praying for one of the
world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 20th
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Sudan
And praying for one Islam-related
intention each day of the
Jesus, today, Thursday, please pacify Al-Qaeda
Wed Feb 19
52 years ago today was a Monday .... some
memos of that day
usual on my birthday or anniversary I try to have a meal with poor people.
Tonight I'm due to have a meal with a group of 14 Nepal drug addicts who sleep
under an overpass in
the Yau Ma Tei area
Book Blog:
4 readings + recordings
Comments welcome here
Readings are from
Simple Bible
Judges 4: After Ehud died, the
Israelites again began to stray from the Lord
and therefore again lost their freedom and peace. The Lord then used Deborah,
who was a judge and prophetess, to rescue the people. Deborah instructed Barak son
of Abinoam
to go and do battle with Sisera, the people's oppressor. Barak said he would go only if
Deborah went with him.
She agreed but then said that his hesitation would cause the Lord to give battle victory to a woman, not
Barak. When Barak's forces
routed those of Sisera,
Sisera fled and took refuge in the tent of Jael, wife of Heber. As Sisera slept from
Jael drove a tent peg into his head and he died. So once again the Lord had
rescued the Israelites.
Dear God,
please give me more courage in the battle of life,
(and please protect and bless Barack
recording of this reading
38-39: O Lord, please forgive my sins and heal me.
Heal my body which is sick because of my sins. Protect me, Lord, from those who gloat over me
now that I am brought low and unable to help myself. Lord, you have shown me how short a time I
have on earth.
Lord, give me wisdom of heart to live my life better.
Lord, help us understand the
meaning of life
Acts 12.1-17: About this time, King Herod began persecuting
the church. He beheaded the apostle James, brother of John. He arrested
Peter during Passover time. He put Peter in prison and planned to have him
put on trial and killed after Passover. Each day Peter was in prison, the believers
stormed heaven praying for him. On the night before he was to be put on
trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, fastened with chains, with
more soldiers at the prison entrance. Suddenly Peter's cell was filled with light,
and an angel told him to get up. The chains fell from his
hands. The angel
led Peter out of the prison, without the guards knowing what was happening.
Peter then left for another place. Herod was
unable to find him
Jesus, please help Christians who are in
prison for their faith
16.19-26: Jesus told this story to the people: There was a rich man who used to
dress in expensive clothes and feast magnificently every day.
At his gate there was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores,
who longed to eat scraps that fell from the rich man's table. Dogs
even came and licked his sores.
The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham.
The rich man also died and was buried. In his torment in Hell, the
rich man looked up and saw Abraham a long way off with Lazarus at his
So the rich man cried out "Father Abraham, pity me and send Lazarus to
dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in
agony in these flames".
"My son", replied Abraham, "remember that during your life, good
things came your way, just as bad things came the way of Lazarus. Now
he is being comforted here, while you are in agony"
Jesus, please help me understand how I should do more to help poor people
Reflection on the above readings: Today's Gospel implies that the rich man went to Hell because he did not care about Lazarus at his gate. Maybe he kept the Ten Commandments, maybe he went to Synagogue each Sabbath, maybe he prayed each day ... but .... !!! In fact, if he really did pray etc he should have had compassion for the poor
People in prison like today's reading from Acts!
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day:
Sun: Africa
Mon: Europe,
Tues: South
Wed: East
Thurs: S.E.Asia, Pacific
Frid: South
Sat: Cent, N America
today, Wednesday,
please bless the people of East
And praying for people
in one
part of China each day of the month:
On this 19th
the month, Jesus please bless the people of Shanxi
And praying for one of
the world's poorest
countries each day of the month:
On this 19th
of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Haiti
And praying for one
Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Wednesday,
please pacify Al-Shabaab
2020: My trip to Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Johannesburg
Jan 1, 2020: How cocaine trafficking is impacting West Africa
My trip to Southern Africa, Dubai (
Last Run)
My trip to Kenya, Uganda
2015: My trip to Tanzania, Malawi
Latin America:
2019-05-10: No More Mules Peru FB boost 199,000 views!
2019-01-20: Article in El Pais, Uruguay - 01 02
2018-09-18: No More Mules Facebook campaign - more than 300,000 people reached in Venezuela
2018: My trip to Latin America
South East Asia:
Aug 16, 2020: CNN - Indonesian women recruited to take drugs to Hong Kong
Oct 23, 2019: FM988 Breakfast program in Kuala Lumpur at which I was a guest
June 2019: My campaign featured in The Malaysia Drug Trade (6 written reports & documentary video)
2019-03-25: Eleven HK01 video and photo reports about Malaysian drug mules arrested in HK- here (one of the reports is about my anti-drug campaign).
Dec 2018 - My Jan 2019 trip to Malaysia
2018: My trip to Thailand and Cambodia
Hong Kong:
July 2019: My warning to HK domestic helpers - published here in HK Filipino media
60 min video interview with Radio99,
in Cantonese, is here: 01 02
to help stop people going to prison
2018-07-29: SCMP- Beware drug lords luring domestic helpers, refugees into narcotics trade
2018-04-08: The Pearl Report on TVB - concerning HK's Long Term Sentencing Review Board and my anti-drug campaign
March 18, 2018: South China Morning Post report on my work
2017-09-27: SCMP Spirit of HK Awards (video starts after 20 secs)
2017-08-24: Cable TV video report on my anti-drug campaign and a Facebook report on the video report (click "translation" for English)
2017-05-17: SCMP - The prison chaplain who has stopped 150 drug mules reaching HK
2017-03-25: Oriental Daily report of case of South African woman given discount for help to my campaign *** May 14 updates: Oriental Daily, Sing Tao
Dec 1, 2016 - HK News: More women being recruited as drug mules
2016-10-13: HK01 report about campaign and about work for the poor
2016-09-11: Oriental Daily report about my campaign - and same day Editorial
2016-08-27: Oriental Daily article about court case and campaign
anti-drug campaign sites
managed by kind HK friends):
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomasmulas/
Facebook: Chinese no more mules page
from my time in China 2001-20008
This website
was launched in construction mode in Hong Kong on November
20, 2011 - the Feast of Christ the King. The
official launching was held on
the Gold Coast, Australia, on January 20, 2012. Map and Flag Counter
began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932. Note: counter on this
page + Map & Flag Counter record visits only to this main/index
page. Visits to other pages and to Facebook page are not recorded.
This site's 2017 statistics.
Thank you for checking this website each day. God bless all readers and
John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 胡
頌 恆 神 父
jdwomi@gmail.com HK
mobile +852- 67095674
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